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Draft Day
Very Good 83 Points 2014

Draft Day scores with football fans and our dates alike. They like it because it’s cute, with a happy ending. We like it because it’s got Jim Brown, Roger Goodell and Arian Foster. Oh yeah, and Kevin Costner, the guy occupying the poster. Costner scores big as the movie’s anchor, kind of Cr…

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WikChip Image Arian Foster can act, albeit as a sta...
The Hundred-Foo...
Very Good 66 Points 2014

The Hundred-Foot Journey is a feel-good, foodie movie starring Helen Mirren set in provincial France. Mature date-night movie choices get no safer. Predictable as a brasserie menu, it’s equivalently satisfying.

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WikChip Image Well Put Together Woman
Trouble with th...
Very Good 83 Points 2012

Cliches are rarely so well calibrated as in Trouble with the Curve. Crusty father, chip-off-the-ol’-block daughter, minor league baseball, small towns, hot dogs, roadhouses, and on and on. BTW, those hot dogs are of the ballpark and ballplayer varieties, with one of the latter played by Justin …

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WikChip Video Heartwarming
Blinded by the ...
Very Good 66 Points 2019

Bruce Springsteen songs drive Blinded by the Light, a helluva good concept, well played. That said, the film itself is somewhat cloying, more fanzine than Rolling Stone, albeit elevated by the Boss’s oeuvre.

The movie does a great job with some Springsteen songs, projecting the lyrics on wal…

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WikChip Video Cast & creators talk about Bruce
The American Pr...
Very Good 66 Points 1995

The American President succeeds grandly as a romantic comedy and ironically as a revealing peek into cushy Democratic pieties, of which Aaron Sorkin and Rob Reiner’s 1990s movie is a cinematic catechism.

It focuses on a likeable man in the third year of his Presidency who is animated primari…

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WikChip Video Cushy Left Wing values turned up to 11.
Russian Dolls
Very Good 66 Points 2005

Goodbye Barcelona. Russian Dolls sends the Euro dudes and dudettes from The Spanish Apartment to London, Paris and St. Petersburg, with a side trip for clubbing in Moscow. Fairly steady sexual tension and plenty of mildly amusing romantic hijinks make it an entertaining trip, one that’s set…

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WikChip Image A lesbian becomes a dude's best friend
The Spanish Apa...
Very Good 66 Points 2002

How to make a pleasant French sex comedy? Drop half a dozen attractive young singles into one apartment, ideally in a mildly exotic city. Occasionally drop in a boyfriend or girlfriend from back home and mix in a lonely wife living nearby.

Voilà! L’Auberge Espagnole, a European hit that w…

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WikChip Image A lesbian teaches a guy to seduce a girl
The Philadelphi...
Very Good 66 Points 1940

Call me crazy, but I find The Philadelphia Story inferior to Bringing Up Baby, its contemporaneous cousin. Katherine Hepburn’s comeback movie – the picture that cemented her status as a hit-making star – is a very fine romcom and an understandable member of seven American Film Institute all-t…

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WikChip Image Starburst: Grant, Hepburn, Stewart
Sweet Home Alabama
Very Good 2 Points 2002

Melanie Carmichael has it all: she is a rising star in the New York fashion industry, she attends parties with the rich and famous, and she’s engaged to the New York mayor’s son, Andrew Hennings – what could possibly go wrong in her perfect life? Maybe the fact that even though she’s due to be…

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WikChip Image Does she follow her head or her heart?
2 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "stephparsons's Review":http://www.viewgui...
  • BrianSez – Regarding "stephparsons's Review":http://www.viewgui...
Film Geek
Very Good 66 Points 2005

Film Geek would be a perfect film school project, yet is merely Very Good in open competition. That said, Very Good means worth watching, especially if you’ve got some film geek in you, or any kind of geek really.

Scotty – the film geek of the title – personifies the Geek’s Dilemma. He ask…

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WikChip Video She's way above him.