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The Girl with t...
Very Good 94 Points 2011

American remakes of foreign movies work best when they’re moved to America. Otherwise they can seem phony, which is the case with David Fincher’s remake of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Fake Swedish accents are one hurdle. A kitschy feel is another. A merely OK Lizbeth Salander doesn’t h…

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WikChip Image Two great actors in a not great movie
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  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":
  • Randy – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Very Good 94 Points 1998

The brilliant Darren Aronofsky got his start with Pi, a low budget thriller about a math genius who holds the key to success for two secretive groups. The movie starts off wonderfully disturbing, later depicting a severe psychotic incident that’s not so wonderful, that’s very disturbing actual…

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WikChip Video Samia Shoaib should be a star.
Great 93 Points 1997

King of the World combination of teen dream romance, larger than life disaster and mechanical intrigue. Pushes the entertainment buttons of most every demographic.

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WikChip Image Front Page News
Very Good 93 Points 2011

A designer drug leads to designer suits, a designer lifestyle, an inevitable come-down, and then mystery. Is that limitless? Perhaps, though the title Limitless is harder to get your mind around than the actual movie.

A classic story of ambition unfairly achieved – sheathed in pharmaceutic…

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WikChip Image Old Star & New Star: De Niro & Cooper
3 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "modern marvel's Review":http://www.viewgu...
  • BigdaddyDave – I'd have to give the nod to *Inception*, with its im...
  • Wick – Regarding "BigdaddyDave's Review":/movie_reviews/309...
The Shawshank R...
Perfect 93 Points 1994

Ultimate male bonding, pungent dialogue, and charismatic performances make this a classic fairytale for grown men. Tim Robbins’ steely, understated banker-behind-bars buddies up with Morgan Freeman’s laconic, decent con to form a duo for the ages.

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Great 93 Points 2011

Martin Scorsese does a kid’s movie, delivering a film history lesson wrapped in a Parisian postcard. Glorious visuals, affecting performances and deft filmmaking flourishes make it a treat for kids of all ages.

The fable of Hugo Cabret imagines an orphan boy who lives in the walls of a stor…

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WikChip Image Hey, who's that photographer?
3 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • izzio – Regarding "Wick's Review":
  • Wick – Regarding "izzio's Review":
Pan's Labyrinth
Really Great 93 Points 2006

A brave girl’s amazing fantasy, stupendously well told. Monumentally effective FX bring to life fauns, fairies and all manner of fantastical creatures, making Pan’s Labyrinth both technically and artistically engrossing.

Faced with a horrific family situation, the brave Ofelia (played with pl…

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WikChip Image Dali's war surrealism preceded del To...
The Road
Very Good 92 Points 2009

Think of this de facto zombie movie as No Country for Little Boys: a surreally grim milieu through which a dauntless Father must shepherd his pure-hearted Son. Such a nihilistic extravaganza creates ample opportunities for life lessons of the most extreme sort. The result is gripping, though …

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WikChip Image Dauntless Paternal Love
6 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":/movie_reviews/2881-th...
  • Wick – Nope, don't think I'm gonna see Lovely Bones. Howev...
  • MJ5K – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/2105-the-ro...
  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/2105-the-ro...
The Tree of Life
Great 92 Points 2011

Deeply affecting, Terrence Malick’s ultimate family drama omnisciently observes a nearly idyllic household afflicted by two bolts of tragedy. Love, marriage, birth, death, and all the hoods – fatherhood, motherhood, brotherhood, childhood, adulthood, neighborhood – get touched upon in the proces…

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WikChip Video This is how movie brilliance appears.
2 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • Wick – Regarding "MJ5K's Review":
The Town
Very Good 92 Points 2010

The Town – a beefy treat for fans of crime drama from Ben Affleck, now a writer-director-star triple threat. Staying close to his boyhood home, Affleck romanticizes bank robbers from the Irish-American projects adjacent to prosperous Boston. When one of them falls for the manager of a bank th…

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WikChip Image Ultimate Boston Movie: Robbing Fenway...
2 Replies
  • MJ5K – Good point. I forgot about Hollywoodland. Another un...
  • Wick – Regarding "MetalJunky5000's Review":/movie_reviews/2...