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Heartbreak Ridge
Very Good 17 Points 1986

Classic Clint Eastwood in a newer war movie. Old rough-neck Clint deals with his aging demons, cleans up some misfits, and shows us what marines are supposed to do. This film was a little campy at times, but Clint carries it through.

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The Assisi Unde...
None Yet 0 Points 1985
To Be or Not to Be
Good 3 Points 1983

If there was an Academy Award category called Good Intentions, “To Be Or Not To Be” would have won hands down when it came out. After all, how can you fault anybody for wanting the remake of the great film comedies of all time.

But it doesn’t work. Mel Brooks, who stars and produces, went way…

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Das Boot
Perfect 83 Points 1981

One of the all-time great submarine movies, so terrific it even had this Yiddish Yank rooting for the Nazi Navy.

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The Big Red One
Good 17 Points 1980

Retro style War movie with a bit of irreverence to make it popular for 1980’s movie goers. It is sure-fire entertainment for war movie buffs, with a subtle sarcasm and left-field humor that gives it a broader appeal. A few deep scenes reminds you that war sometimes has a valid purpose.

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Breaker Morant
None Yet 0 Points 1980
Apocalypse Now
Perfect 11 Points 1979

A fantastic film cataloguing insanity, war and imperialism, Apocalypse Now is a sprawling, magnificent film that masterfully builds up dread and tension through its adaptation of Conrad’s Heart of Darkness.

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WikChip Video Apocalypse Now Trailer
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  • Fire at Will! – Regarding "willjros's Review":/movie_reviews/1645-ap...
All Quiet on th...
None Yet 0 Points 1979
Zulu Dawn
Good 17 Points 1979

I’d call Zulu Dawn “the Little Bighorn of South Africa.” If ever there was a cause more unjust – it was the British attempt to oust the Zulus from their territories in South Africa – despite the fact they were honoring an agreement to stay away. And, as this is a true story, I’m not spoi…

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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
The Deer Hunter
None Yet 0 Points 1978