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To Be or Not to Be
Good 3 Points 1983

If there was an Academy Award category called Good Intentions, “To Be Or Not To Be” would have won hands down when it came out. After all, how can you fault anybody for wanting the remake of the great film comedies of all time.

But it doesn’t work. Mel Brooks, who stars and produces, went way…

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The Great Escape
None Yet 0 Points 1963
None Yet 0 Points 2006
None Yet 0 Points 2005
None Yet 0 Points 2000
Taegukgi: The B...
None Yet 0 Points 2004
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  • Wick – Yo, JohnnyR, turns out *The Brotherhood of War* was ...
The Pianist
None Yet 0 Points 2002
Empire Of The Sun
None Yet 0 Points 1987
Winter in Wartime
None Yet 0 Points 2008
Twelve O'Clock ...
None Yet 0 Points 1949