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Great 17 Points 2017

Taking King’s huge novel IT to screen is no easy task, and Muschietti’s version does a great job. Although the screen version of the story makes it seem much more ludicrous, it is easy to look past that and enjoy the throwback King approach to horror. Scary even when you know it’s coming action,…

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Really Great 17 Points 2017

Stephen King’s version of Nebraska corn farming life. Take a down home farmer in 1922, throw in a twisted psyche, and voila – a macabre cornfield horror-drama. Don’t let the horror genre label turn you off; It is very well done. Even Edgar Allen Poe and Alfred Hitchcock would be impressed.

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Good 17 Points 2018

Well, I did learn a bit about local history. Odd I’ve never been to the actual house. My wife tells me that, other than the obvious, many threads of the story are true to life. Poor old Mrs. Winchester dealing with the perceived guild of being part of the Winchester enterprise. I think the movie…

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The Bad Batch
Barely OK 17 Points 2016

Banished to the desert by law enforcement to a land of cannibals and drug users? The whole movie makes very little sense. Sort of poorly done Mad Max.

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Kill Command
OK 17 Points 2016

A marines vs machines take. Decent action with a reasonable story line, but it fails to impress.

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The Ritual
Good 17 Points 2017

Bros out hiking in stunning Swedish countryside then gives way to a spooky woods ad mythical creatures causing horror filled stress. This movie kept my attention quite thoroughly and is worth a gander if you are in to the genre.

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Tale of Tales
Good 17 Points 2015

Three intertwined Nuevo fairy tales done in a very surreal format, although the use of old England, castles, gypsies, and tournaments still abound. Twists and irony would make Edgar Allen Poe proud. A primo cast with Salma Hayek, Vincent Cassel, Toby Jones, John C. Reilly add big screen cred.

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The Cloverfield...
OK 17 Points 2018

CP has a solid sci-fi premise that creates many creepily-interesting moments, but it fails to capitalize on that or the decent acting and instead was a dull affair punctuated by adrenaline-fueled moments here and there.

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The Meg
Good 17 Points 2018

Things get pretty tense when puny humans in underwater tin cans face the Megolodon (A Big Ass Shark). Non stop fishy action, but I’m still nostalgic for Jaws

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Bird Box
Very Good 17 Points 2018

Sandra Bullock keeps the drama and tension high in this sci thriller. I’m not sure why all the bad press; I was very entertained

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