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The Last of the...
Great 66 Points 1992

The Last of the Mohicans was a benchmark in ’92. It still packs an action wallop, delivers a romantic jolt and provides a lens into the development of the American character, notwithstanding its historical liberties.

This cinematically big movie features a perfect man who engages in a perfe…

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WikChip Image Last Mohican: Russell Means' Chingach...
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  • jasonhurwitz – Regarding "Wick's Review":
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  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Great 69 Points 1986

Second chances define Hoosiers as much as basketball, even though the movie is widely considered the greatest hoops movie ever. Hell, some have declared it the greatest sports movie ever.

Thus non-sports fans needn’t shy away, as basketball is a backdrop to a terrific story about a middle-a…

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WikChip Image Hopper & Hackman look for redemption.
Great 66 Points 1991

A glamorous take on the gangster who gave us modern Las Vegas, Bugsy was Hollywood legend Warren Beatty’s last great role, complemented in no small measure by the potent chemistry he achieved with future wife Annette Bening.

Though a commercial disappointment, the movie has aged well, full of …

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Elizabeth: The ...
Great 99 Points 2007

A worthy sequel to Elizabeth, though perhaps suffering a bit by coming second. Nonetheless, it doesn’t get any better than this for fans of historical drama, while the performance of Cate Blanchett as the Virgin Queen remains the modern benc…

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The Great Debaters
Great 104 Points 2007

Anti-denigration: The Great Debaters teaches us the root of ‘denigration’ and much more, especially how Wiley College’s debate team rose up to defend their rightful position as heirs to American greatness.

Every history lesson should be this entertaining: Denzel Washington sees to that, dire…

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Great 93 Points 1997

King of the World combination of teen dream romance, larger than life disaster and mechanical intrigue. Pushes the entertainment buttons of most every demographic.

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WikChip Image Front Page News
Great 66 Points 1995

Restoration refers to Britain’s casting off of Puritanism, a liberated time of royal hedonism and bawdy theater, from which a much lauded historical novel was derived. Add in Robert Downey Jr., Meg Ryan, Sam Neill and the stunning Polly Walker for cinematic firepower. Restoration is the resul…

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WikChip Image Polly Walker's stunning Royal Mistress
Sherlock Holmes
Great 109 Points 2009

Rock ‘em, sock ’em Holmes: Brilliant star Robert Downey Jr. turns the mythical detective into an action hero of the first order in Guy Ritchie’s rousing movie. Though a good show, its Jonesian hyper-reality might not be to every taste, notwithstanding today’s action movie fan expecting this sort…

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WikChip Image Lord Blackwood: Noble + Evil + Villain
8 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":/movie_reviews/2386-sh...
  • MJ5K – Haha I said just kidding : )
  • Wick – Yep, I call 'em as I see 'em, and try not to give ni...
  • MJ5K – Sorry, Wick. I don't know why I posted that comment....
Great 1 Points 1987

Based on E.M. Forster’s novel of “the love that dare not speak its name” , MAURICE follows the relationship between two men who meet at Cambrige University in Edwardian England, and their exploration of homosexual love in a time when being gay was a crime punishable by a strict penile code that …

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WikChip Video MAURICE -1987
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  • Wick – Regarding "Zimmerview's Review":http://www.viewguide...
Ip Man
Great 83 Points 2008

This great martial arts movie follows the beats and tropes of fictional king fu movies while burnishing the legend of Ip Man, a real life Grandmaster of Wing Chun kung fu and Bruce Lee’s teacher. The scene of an unarmed Master Ip facing down an armed Police Captain is a classic of the form.


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WikChip Image Ip Man amid the Japanese occupation
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...