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23 Blast
Good 17 Points 2014

Not quite in the same class as ‘Remember the Titans’ or ‘Blind Side’, but 23 Blast has all the hallmarks of a great come-from-behind sports story. This story about Kentucky high school football star Travis Freeman is especially inspiring once you learn about Travis’ fate of blindness and his com…

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'85: The Greate...
Good 17 Points 2016

The ‘85 Chicago Bears – “The greatest team in football history” is highlighted through interviews with the players, coach Ditka, and notable fans including Barack Obama and Bill Murray, In 80 – they had to build a canopy to protect the team from beer cans until Ditka started the turnaround. Th…

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OK 17 Points 2011

Tell the truth – you like to see fights at hockey games, right? If so, Goon is for you. This tongue-in-cheek hockey film is primarily an understated comedy that follows the nicest bouncer you’ll ever meet and his grand entrance to the one professional sport that appreciates a good brawler: h…

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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Good 17 Points 2015

So you didn’t think there would be more to Stalone’s Rocky franchise? Well here is Creed ladies and gentlemen! The movie was good, but not great; the ’I’ll fight (the next match) if you fight (cancer)" tugged at a few heart strings – as did the re-make of the theme song, but that’s about it. E…

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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
OK 17 Points 2011

A dramatic tale of Manchester United in the 50’s and the Munich air crash that killed 8 team members. As with most sports movies, Manchester starts with the usual formula: work hard, come from behind, do great things. Then Munich happened. Just like you’d expect, things got depressing – de…

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Point Break
OK 17 Points 2015

Not a disaster, but you won’t be missing much if you skip this one. It was filmed as if they came up with the action sequences first, then cobbled a lame story to tie it together. Except the writing part fails miserablly. Oh well.

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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Queen of Katwe
Very Good 17 Points 2016

Disney teams up with ESPN films on this feel-good/third-world/girl-power ‘brain sport’ film about the true and inspiring story of Ugandan chess prodigy Lupita Nyong’o and her mentor David Oyelowo. Colorful, vibrant, and sometimes dramatic – the film keeps you engaged rooting for the underdog.

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Pawn Sacrifice
Great 17 Points 2015

A moving chess movie you say? Yeah – I didn’t think it was possible either, but the story of Fischer v Spasky was inspiring. The crazy paranoid Brooklyn boy reveals his brilliance before an eventual spiral towards insanity. The chess community was equally as crazy as they too-patiently dealt w…

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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
The Sandlot
Perfect 9 Points 1993

An American Classic, in my opinion. This is easily one of the most underrated films of all time filled with good laughs, memorable moments, and ever lasting characters. The story revolves around a twelve year old kid named Scotty, a new boy to the neighborhood. One day, an older kid talks him int…

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  • MJ5K – Thnx, again. Kids, huh. Well, if they're really youn...
  • Wick – Regarding "MetalJunky5000's Review":/movie_reviews/2...
The Pride of th...
Good 3 Points 1942

Supposedly one of the great baseball movies of all time, I found myself disappointed by its corniness and pretty by the book filmmaking. Yet, it’s still fund to watch with the two leads, Cooper and Wright, at the height of their powers. And you have to admit, seeing the real Babe Ruth, who was ha…

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