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Star Trek Into ...
Really Great 83 Points 2013
Best. Star Trek. Ever.

Some may grade it Perfect, understandably so. Me, I grade Star Trek Into Darkness a tick above its Great predecessor – Really Great and the best Star Trek ever.

If J.J. Abrams sees fit to include the perfect Star Trek theme music before the closing credits of h…

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WikChip Image Spock in the volcano
2 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Star Trek Beyond
Perfect 83 Points 2016
Bestest. Star Trek. Ever.

Star Trek Beyond never loses touch with all that made Star Trek great from its earliest incarnation, yet uses 2016 movie magic to create an Enterprise and assorted 23rd century tech-gear better than ever before.

Plus it plays the iconic opening notes of the a…

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WikChip Video "At least I won't die alone..." - Bones
1 Reply
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Spider-Man: No ...
Perfect 66 Points 2021

Third time’s another charm for the Spider-Man Home team. Or would that be the eighth time? It is a three series climax, a #ClimaxCubed. Marvel pulls it off — at a level previously seen only by The Avengers.

This is ultimate OG Marve…

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WikChip Video Post-Credit Scenes & Ending Explained
Spider-Man 3
Barely OK 70 Points 2007

A tangled web of storylines, inexplicable contrivances and desultory performances mark Spider-Man 3 as the end of the line for the original Spider-Man team. Thus it’s no surprise that the next Spidey movie will feature a new director and new actors.

As for this installment, it’s barely OK f…

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WikChip Image Weak supporting cast weakens Spidey3
2 Replies
  • Wick – I'm with you MJ. Odd and unpromising choice of dire...
  • MJ5K – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/2231-spider...
Very Good 83 Points 2015

The tangled web of deception surrounding James Bond reaches its nexus in Spectre, a more than serviceable installment in the Blond Bond Era. Daniel Craig’s 007 is once again a stone-cold assassin, reprising the gritty killer persona he established in Casino Royale and has doggedly pursued in …

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WikChip Video Monica Bellucci is spectacular.
Sicario: Day of...
Really Great 66 Points 2018

Sicario 2 couldn’t be more timely, even if its extreme surrealism is an only-in-the-movies depiction of what’s happening today on the TexMex border. That unfenced divide, with traffickers running rampant, makes an ideal milieu for a heavily militarized action thriller. And *Sicario: Day of the …

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Sherlock Holmes...
Great 83 Points 2011

Britishly brilliant movie entertainment, what with Victorian-era detective shenanigans done up in state-of-the-art action movie hyper-reality. This latest Sherlock Holmes re-renders Guy Ritchie & Robert Downey Jr’s boldly boffo origin movie

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WikChip Image Don't judge him. It worked for Tony C...
1 Reply
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
None Yet 0 Points 2019
Russian Dolls
Very Good 66 Points 2005

Goodbye Barcelona. Russian Dolls sends the Euro dudes and dudettes from The Spanish Apartment to London, Paris and St. Petersburg, with a side trip for clubbing in Moscow. Fairly steady sexual tension and plenty of mildly amusing romantic hijinks make it an entertaining trip, one that’s set…

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WikChip Image A lesbian becomes a dude's best friend
Rocky Balboa
Very Good 71 Points 2006

Amazingly, this is the first Rocky I’ve ever sat through, even though R1 came out when I was in high school. This is certainly a grand valedictory for Sly’s seminal character.

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