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Good 17 Points 2000

M. Night Shyamalan casts Bruce Willis and Samuel L Jackson in a heady supernatural thriller that pits the Unbreakable Willis against the Breakable Jackson. This is an intriguing thriller with a not so smooth transition from character discovery to conclusion, but entertaining enough to keep you w…

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The Witch
OK 17 Points 2015

The acting is great, and Anya Taylor-Joy sure is cute, but there isn’t enough “there there” to save The Witch. What is supposed to be a scary witch-flick set where it is supposed to be: creepy dark woods in 1700’s new England, the movie just ends up being too slow and meandering, with a climax…

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Good 17 Points 2016

Pierce Brosnan makes the concept of a down to earth Irishman as a high flying CEO work. He almost makes up for the cheesy story of an evil I.T. genius falling a bit flat. Good but not very good.

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Sky Captain And...
Good 17 Points 2004

Cheesy sci-fi mech robots? Check. Film in quasi black-and-white? Check. Derring-do of Jude Law’s hero? Check. Gwenneth Paltrow’s “Take no prisoners” gumshoe blond? Check. This 1930’s meet comic book style of movie is well done for that style, but you gotta like that style. Me, not so much.

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Good 17 Points 2015

Somewhat of a misfire as script-writing goes, Strangerland partially makes up for it with well done drama, sexual tension, aboriginal mystery, and good-old-fashioned “whodunnit?”. Many reviewers will disagree, but I think it was worth the watch. Besides, I just couldn’t take my eyes off of Nicol…

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Red Sparrow
Good 17 Points 2018

Good old fashioned US-Russia cold war espionage with an updated twist. I loved the storyline but the implementation was a bit dreary at times, despite having Jennifer Lawrence to look at the whole time.

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Good 17 Points 2017

I had no idea that this sleeper directed by George Clooney and deftly acted by Matt Daemon & Julianne Moore even existed. A surreal view of what happens when you insert bad actors and desperate measures in the perfect (and perfectly white), master-planed suburb in the 1950s. It is hard to put my…

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The Outsider
OK 17 Points 2018

A dark and violent American prisoner in 1950’s postwar japan becomes affiliated with a gang in Osaka as sort of an enforcer. The main character’s role was awkward and didn’t really make sense, and even worse, parts were almost offensive as you learned what he left behind for his new life as…

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The Cloverfield...
OK 17 Points 2018

CP has a solid sci-fi premise that creates many creepily-interesting moments, but it fails to capitalize on that or the decent acting and instead was a dull affair punctuated by adrenaline-fueled moments here and there.

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Donnie Darko
Really Great 48 Points 2001

So much to love about Jake Gyllenhaal’s Donnie Darko: The sarcasm and irreverence involved in telling Donnie’s schizophrenic story is darkly funny, the macabre occurrences, inept culture, and solid 80’s soundtrack weirdly glue things together to weave a great movie together, but you need the sto…

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