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The Expendables 2
Very Good 66 Points 2012

I missed 1.0 but 2.0 made for 1 helluva fun night at the movies.1 We’re talking manly duets out the wazoo.

  • Stallone and Statham
  • Stallone and Hemsworth, Liam Hemsworth
  • Stallone and Van Damme
  • Stallone and Lundgren
  • Stallone and Willis
  • Stallone and Schwarzenegger (a name that exi…
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WikChip Image Damnable Van Damme: Easy to Hate
Very Good 66 Points 1988

Lesser Tim Burton and greater Michael Keaton add up to a fitfully funny fantasy. Keaton nails the title role, a ghost-for-hire paid to chase off pesky humans. If only he were onscreen for more of the movie.

Burton achieved greater comic-horror results with Edward Scissorhands

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WikChip Image Somebody get this man a microphone.
Rust and Bone
Great 66 Points 2012

The good news about Rust and Bone is that it’s not about an orca trainer’s accident. It’s about her recovery. In any case, hers is only half the story, the rest being about an oafish stud with a small child in tow. What happens to father and son is tougher to take than what happens to her – …

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WikChip Image Communing Mammals: Human and Orca
Good 66 Points 2013

Ghost stories should all be as good as Mama, as should Jessica Chastain performances. While the teens in Mama’s PG-13 demographic may not care about Chastain, we adults dragged along for the ride do. Fortunately everyone will value seeing a first-rate ghost story – spooky, startling, affectin…

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WikChip Image Nothing vulnerable about this Chastain
Oz the Great an...
Barely OK 66 Points 2013

More wimpy than wicked, Oz the Great and Powerful unleashes plenty of sound and fury, signifying nothing more than a reminder that real movie magic doesn’t come from FX. It comes from charm and wit. IOW, this huge production seeks to recreate the timeless magic of The Wizard of Oz….

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WikChip Image Some things can't be improved.
Your Highness
Good 66 Points 2011

Your Highness dons the trappings of Ye Olde English knights and damsels, mixes in sorcerers and pagan mythology, then filters the unholy brew through a 21st century slacker’s sensibility. Such low brow humor in high brow settings makes for a fun movie if you don’t mind tongue-deeply-in-cheek c…

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WikChip Video Low Brow Humor in High Brow Settings
Really Great 66 Points 2009

Gobs of fun for kids and adults, this high octane spoof features lifelike animation seamlessly blended with live action, mucho LOL, a clever story and hip-kid music. Plus the 3D works splendidly, as fresh an experience as color must have seemed to B&W audiences back in the day.

The story abou…

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WikChip Image One hot chiquita -- human or rodent.
2 Replies
  • Demona – this was a great movie.. I just saw it recently.. I ...
  • Wick – Yep, I took my family to see it and we all loved it.
Thor: The Dark ...
Great 66 Points 2013

A ton of fun, notwithstanding its fashionably dark title, Thor: The Dark World features great baddies, ample turnabout, strong women and one mighty powerful hammer. My theater really enjoyed it, dates even more than dudes, judging from all the female laughter. That was mostly triggered by two…

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WikChip Video "As excuses go, it's not ... terrible."
Only God Forgives
Great 66 Points 2013

Blood begets blood as a Bangkok blood feud drives waves of retribution in artistic director Nicholas Winding Refn’s crime thriller Only God Forgives. Think Drive crossed with Bronson, set in Asia.

If that doesn’t mean anything to you, imagine Ryan Gosling in a savagely violent, brooding…

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WikChip Image Makes the Wicked Witch seem nurturing
Kick-Ass 2
Great 66 Points 2013

Kick-Ass 2 could’ve gotten by with Very Good given how beloved Kick-Ass was. Yet it reaches greatness, notwithstanding its horridly extreme edginess: Beware the crap in this movie because it is voluminous.

You end up with a bunch of LOL lines and gags, interspersed with vomit-inducing rudenes…

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WikChip Image Hit-Girl - top-tier super-cute superhero