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Killing Kennedy
Good 66 Points 2013

Killing Kennedy could easily be titled Kennedy’s Killer given its salutary focus on Lee Harvey Oswald. JFK we knew. It’s unfortunate then that Killing Kennedy spends time on the Leader of the Free World’s womanizing. Given 90 minutes of real runtime, bikinis take away from also understanding …

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WikChip Image Killing Kennedy brings this to life.
Good 17 Points 2013

Can you really make an entire feature length film out of a single day’s events following JFK’s assasination? Well, yes – by following four different stories: Zapruder the famous film-maker, The Oswalds, the law, and the emergency room doctors and nurses. The result is a bit muddled, but keeps …

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Good 139 Points 2006

Highly stylized though affecting movie brings a comik sensibility to an ancient battle. I ended up liking it more than I thought I would, since King Leonidas makes a great hero and his wife a worthy Queen.

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2 Replies
  • Spaceghost – Thank you for the kind words. I'll be honest, thoug...
  • Wick – Wow. Great review Spaceghost! You make such a pass...
The Frozen Ground
Good 17 Points 2013

The battle of the C’s: Its Nicholas Cage vs. John Cusak in this tale based on an Alaskan true story about an attempt to take down serial rapist-killer. Cage goes after the bad guy Cusak with gusto in this somewhat haphazardly put together script. Cusak makes a great psychopath, but the connectio…

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Good 17 Points 2016

Yet another take on the Christian biblical history of Jesus, but this time from the perspective of a rough but chisled Roman Legionaire. This is actually refreshing, because it doesn’t really focus too much on the religious stuff, but rather comes across as more of an ancient Roman ‘whodunnit’. …

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Good 17 Points 2016

Silence is a long and plodding film with plenty of forced drama from Andrew Garfield and Adam Driver as Catholic missionaries returning to Japan to find their mentor (Liam Neeson) after his failed attempt at converting the Japanese to true Christianity. Scorcese pours it on with intense and rich…

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The Death of St...
Good 66 Points 2018

Cults of personality hit peak absurdity when their object dies, as vividly satired in The Death of Stalin. Unfortunately, this political comedy is more smart than funny. Hence, its LOLs are few and far between.

Stalin funny? Yeah, even though he stands nearly alone in megalomaniacal evil, be…

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WikChip Video The Banality of Evil, Satired
The Last King
Good 17 Points 2016

Inspired by a true story that harkens back to 1204 Norway, things were tense and back and forth fighting with Norway ruled the day. Just a sliver in time that represented a hair more sophistication than nomads fighting each other.

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Good 17 Points 1991

Oliver stone directs Kevin Costner and an all star cast in the ultimate whodunnit: JFK. With an abundance of flair, one definitely is left questioning everything.

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The Other Boley...
Very Good 17 Points 2008

Ok, so although I was dragged in to this as an unwilling participant — who could argue with watching Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson for a few hours? They both convincingly played Ann Boleyn and Mary Boleyn through the drama of being consort and wife of Henry the 8th. Eric Bana, an unkno…

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