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Perfect 17 Points 2014

Angelina Jolie directs the astounding true story about Olympic runner Louie Zamporini. Louie was art of a Bomber crew in pacific who was shot down, survived over 45 days at sea, surrounded by sharks, shot at by and then captured by the Japanese, tortured by a sadistic Japanese commander "the …

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1492: Conquest ...
OK 17 Points 1992

Ridley Scott’s big budget film about the famous Christopher Columbus was entertaining, but not as gripping as you’d expect from the 40M investment. The scenes, costumes, etc. were all very well done – but the movie suffers from being overly dramatic and one grows weary after an hour or so. Also…

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The Frozen Ground
Good 17 Points 2013

The battle of the C’s: Its Nicholas Cage vs. John Cusak in this tale based on an Alaskan true story about an attempt to take down serial rapist-killer. Cage goes after the bad guy Cusak with gusto in this somewhat haphazardly put together script. Cusak makes a great psychopath, but the connectio…

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Men Of Honor
Great 17 Points 2000

The amount of drama that DeNiro and Cuba Gooding Jr can generate together is a sight to behold. Throw in some good old fashioned southern racism and the pressure of a Navy diving school, and you’ve got some top notch entertainment.

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The End of the ...
Very Good 17 Points 2015

Heady character studies aren’t usually my thing, but I didn’t want to miss seeing how Jason Segel and Jessie Eisenberg would do as co-stars. My guess was right, and it was a high quality pairing. The result is that the 1:45 running time flew by as I was immersed in the dynamic interaction. Reg…

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The Hornet's Nest
Very Good 17 Points 2014

Gritty, stressful, and suspenseful documentary of life in Afghanistan’s war zones. Well aided by dramatic narrative, shooting, and even music added to the suspense. But possibly the most impactful part of the movie is the closeness to the action that the father and son reporters were: down to …

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War Dogs
Great 17 Points 2016

Jonah Hill and Miles Teller pair up in a sometimes funny by always entertaining story about the underbelly of arms dealing. The slick haired, gold-chain bared-chest Jonah Hill was an excellently crafted character in this very ‘Wolf of War Street’ style of business craziness. Despite reinforcing …

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Deepwater Horizon
Great 17 Points 2016

I wonder if BP’s stock took another hit when this movie was released – just like it did during the disaster. Peter Berg lays the foundation of the money-hungry corporation vs. the hardworking Texas oilmen. Wahlberg and Russell play their roughneck roles very well. Russel is the grisled leader an…

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Great 17 Points 2016

An extraordinary story about the assassination of SS General Reinhard Heydrich – the butcher of Prague. This famous chapter in history has plenty of drama, suspense , and a shocking account of the Nazi treatment of both the innocent and the complicit. The resistance from the Czech and Slovaks …

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Very Good 17 Points 2015

Engaging and true against-all-odds tale about 4 men who survived on the capsized trimaran Rose-Noelle for 119 days in 1989. As it was at the time, it was hard to believe, but truth is stranger than fiction; or so they say. Dynamite job by the cast conveying what it must have been like to float a…

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