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Girl Model
Very Good 66 Points 2011

Like most industries, the modeling industry has a supply chain. Girl Model documents one tawdry strand, originating in the tiny villages of Siberia and ending in the glitzy salons of Japan.

It’s not a pretty picture. It is full of pretty girls, many shockingly young. The Japanese like pub…

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WikChip Image Model scout: Regrets? She's got a few.
Glen Campbell: ...
Great 66 Points 2014

Excuse me while I dry my eyes, Glen Campbell: I’ll Be Me caused them to well-up on multiple occasions, when it wasn’t triggering deep nostalgia for a beloved entertainer. This loving documentary was made by the Rhinestone Cowboy’s family to share his struggles with Alzheimer’s before and during…

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WikChip Video Damn, he was some kinda great.
God Grew Tired ...
OK 5 Points 2006

In 1987, Sudan’s Muslim government in the North proclaimed death to all Christian males, most of who lived in the South. Over 27,000 young men fled their homes, eventually ending up in a refugee camp in Kenya, over 1,000 miles away. Having survived this trek, on foot, through dangerous jungles,…

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Gonzo: The Life...
None Yet 0 Points 2008
Grey Gardens
None Yet 0 Points 1975
Grizzly Man
Great 26 Points 2005

The story of Timothy Treadwell – famously known for going out into the wild and chronicling the lives of bears. He saw himself as a savior of the bear and of nature. The filming is incredible. The man got close. In the end, he got too close. This is no surprise after getting to know him. He wa…

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Hillary's Ameri...
None Yet 0 Points 2016
None Yet 0 Points 2015
Hoop Dreams
Very Good 17 Points 1994

5 years in the lives of two inner-city Chicago Boys (William Gates and Arthur Agee), who live, breathe, and dream basketball. You could see it in their faces, for example when Arthur gets his ear-to-ear grin when he met Isaiah Thomas during his first practice at St. Joseph’s. Where Hoop Dreams …

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Hugh Hefner: On...
None Yet 0 Points 1992