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God Grew Tired ...
OK 5 Points 2006

In 1987, Sudan’s Muslim government in the North proclaimed death to all Christian males, most of who lived in the South. Over 27,000 young men fled their homes, eventually ending up in a refugee camp in Kenya, over 1,000 miles away. Having survived this trek, on foot, through dangerous jungles,…

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Neil Young: Hea...
Really Great 17 Points 2006

He rocks you with grooving new songs and hits you with classics that still raise goosebumps…. I haven’t heard a better revival of his style of music. Although I didn’t like all the songs on the DVD, please do stick it through — because there are some riffs you won’t want to miss….. As for me…

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TV Junkie
None Yet 0 Points 2006
An Inconvenient...
None Yet 0 Points 2006
Classic Albums:...
Good 66 Points 2006

‘Quit singing and jam’ remains my reaction to many Cream songs, including from their defining album. So it’s less than optimal that this rockumentary focuses on Disraeli Gears’ lyrics, lyricists and singing.

David Fricke’s commentary is terrific however.

More to the point, their music ser…

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WikChip Video Sunshine of Your Love 4 R&R HoF Induc...
Run Granny Run
Perfect 12 Points 2007

Absolutely wonderful. Doris Haddock is simply amazing. This documentary shows exactly what more Americans should be like ….. too bad more people don’t view our country and its politics the way this 93-year-old woman does. “Oh dear, Tim, I forgot my teeth. We need to go back.”

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Very Good 17 Points 2007

As usual, Michael Moore’s movies are able to pointedly make a mockery of whatever they aim at — in this case, the US healthcare system. There are multiple sides to every story, and this movie is biased to be sure, but it is entertaining and gives you an outlet to laugh at the silliness of what h…

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Bra Boys
Good 17 Points 2007

An engrossing documentary about Austrailia’s Maroubra beach “tribe” of young surfers surviving in an urban community rife with gang violence, drugs, etc. What is uniqaue is the brotherhood aspect of the tribe, how the watch eachother’s back, do stupid things together, and experience surfing as t…

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11th Hour
None Yet 0 Points 2007
None Yet 0 Points 2007