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Johnny Carson: ...
Great 66 Points 2012

Here’s Johnny – blessedly again – in a documentary that reveals the man behind the curtain and reminds us why we treasured him above all others in front of it. It also suggests that his position as arbiter of pop culture will never exist again. Hundreds of cable channels and the web have seen t…

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WikChip Image Everybody wanted to laugh with Johnny
Thomas Jefferson
Perfect 66 Points 1997

Ken Burns’ Thomas Jefferson: Those two names linked by an apostrophe should be ample inducement for Americans to view this two-part documentary. We may not read like we once did, but absorbing history via captivating video works well for the iPad generation. Fortunately, our exceptional Ameri…

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WikChip Image Perfect Political Thinking in Poetic ...
Enron: The Smar...
OK 66 Points 2005

Enron’s rise and fall gets reprised in this dolorous documentary. Unfortunately there’s little new here for those who followed the debacle when it went down. Worse, the narrative is marred by a blanket sense of sanctimonious disgust and the testimony of at least one disgraced antagonist, convic…

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The Rolling Sto...
Really Great 66 Points 2012

Charlie is My Darling is the dangerous younger brother to A Hard Day’s Night. Beatles ‘64. Stones ‘65.

Mercy, Mercy was more than a Rolling Stones song in 1965. It was what they wanted from their ravenous fans, a besotted mob of hormonally charged teens. Beatlemania had nothing on the…

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WikChip Video The Stones drive the Irish lasses crazy
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Killing Lincoln
Very Good 66 Points 2013

Admit it. You always wanted to know all the gory details about how John Wilkes Booth got into the Presidential box at Ford’s Theater, how he got away, got captured and got killed. Who hasn’t?

Killing Lincoln dramatizes that and more, providing an unflinching view of history that’s a valuab…

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WikChip Image Tom Hanks channels Bill O'Reilly
Sholem Aleichem...
Great 66 Points 2011

The “Jewish Mark Twain” reanimates in this engaging and illuminating biography. Why the Yiddish Twain? Because the two contemporaries were known by pen names and pioneered writing about regular people in vernacular language. However, only Sholem Aleichem has a huge musical hit to his name.

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WikChip Image Biggest Funeral in NYC History
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  • BrettHarrison – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Great 66 Points 2013

Fracking is a virtual four-letter word for the Environmental Left, and a byword for American ingenuity, economic growth and geopolitical strength for its fans. Irish journalist Phelim McAleer falls into the latter camp for reasons that he documents convincingly and engagingly in FrackNation.

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WikChip Video FrackNation torches Gasland's credibi...
Girl Model
Very Good 66 Points 2011

Like most industries, the modeling industry has a supply chain. Girl Model documents one tawdry strand, originating in the tiny villages of Siberia and ending in the glitzy salons of Japan.

It’s not a pretty picture. It is full of pretty girls, many shockingly young. The Japanese like pub…

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WikChip Image Model scout: Regrets? She's got a few.
National Geogra...
Very Good 66 Points 1997

The forests of Eastern Siberia look like the woods of North America. And yet they are radically different, being the home of wild Siberian tigers, the biggest of big cats. This brief NatGeo documentary gets up close and personal with these magnificent creatures, an awe inspiring experience for …

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The Book of Man...
Great 66 Points 2013

Non football fans needn’t steer away from The Book of Manning, notwithstanding its status as a must-see for those of us who love America’s brutally beautiful game. That’s because this documentary about Archie Manning’s family follows the priorities he established within the family: family first,…

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WikChip Image 3 little Mannings: Cooper, Eli & Peyton