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Star Wars: The ...
Really Great 83 Points 2015

Cinema’s most famous title crawl opens The Force Awakens. The Star Wars theme rises above, softly, then insistently, its familiar leitmotif arousing our deepest cinematic memories. J.J. Abrams’ revival of George Lucas’s epochal blockbuster proceeds to visit every other touchstone, extending t…

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WikChip Video Behind the Scenes of Episode VII
Wonder Woman
Really Great 83 Points 2017

Miss Israel kicks ass as Wonder Woman. But that’s not all, not by a long shot. Wonder Woman is a perfect superhero movie, deeply of the genre, yet soaring above it. That puts it in the small pantheon of DC movies, deadly earnest in the DC tradition, a la The Dark Knight

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WikChip Video That's right, the women are smarter.
Captain America...
Really Great 83 Points 2016

Tony Stark has been the verbal superpower behind the Avengers, till now. Yet the motormouth of Robert Downey Jr. is MIA in Captain America: Civil War and the movie doesn’t suffer. His novel reticence in Civil War is in service to a well executed Civil War story, but it’s a risk nonetheless. F…

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WikChip Video Easter Eggs Explained: Worth Watching
Kilo Two Bravo
Really Great 17 Points 2014

I honestly haven’t seen a more suspenseful, brutal and painful to watch war movie. Coming from a war movie junkie, there were times where I had to hide my eyes like a squeamish woman. The other thing about Kilo Two, is it is the first war movie (that I remember) that focuses on helplessness an…

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Spider-Man: Hom...
Really Great 83 Points 2017

Spider-Man hasn’t lacked great reboots, but this third is the greatest yet. It’s the most High School by far, if not the first set in that adolescent crucible. Mostly, Spider-Man: Homecoming benefits by being the first Spider-Man movie to be produced by Marvel, odd though that may seem.


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WikChip Video Better Backstage Banter
The Eagle Huntress
Really Great 66 Points 2016

Mongolian men have hunted with eagles for a millennium, an amazing partnership of human and raptor. Now the eagle hunters have welcomed a female, and a mere girl of 13 at that. This crisp documentary about that eagle huntress awes and uplifts in equal measure, the latter from its cheerful female …

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WikChip Video Drones were key to making the film.
The LEGO Batman...
Really Great 66 Points 2017

Super smart, super funny, super current, super classic and super cutting, The LEGO Batman Movie is a super sequel to The Lego Movie, that perfect piece of pop pizazz. Lego B is also the funniest Batman movie ever. Hell, it may be the best Bat movie ever, given its carte blanche to satire th…

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WikChip Video Yo B-Money. What's up my billionaire ...
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  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
O Brother, Wher...
Really Great 72 Points 2000

O Brother, Where Art Thou? looks stupid but is actually brilliant and brilliantly funny. Classic Coen Brothers is also what it is, a movie only their fertile minds and clever craft could conceive and consummate. For instance, George Clooney’s escaped con clambers aboard a box car and begins his…

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WikChip Video Constant Sorrow? More like Constant Joy.
Small Soldiers
Really Great 66 Points 1998

Small Soldiers looms large two decades after its premier. Spielberg inspired and produced, Joe Dante’s masterpiece is classic Hollywood fantasy, with a great cast featuring Frank Langella & Tommy Lee Jones.

The classic Hollywood part includes being left-wing and anti-American. The villains …

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WikChip Video Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.
Kingsman: The G...
Really Great 83 Points 2017

Kingsman II is a fully-realized exercise in high style, low blows, expensive tricks and lots of big laughs. You could call it a brilliant blockbuster, in the British sense of brilliant: bright, bold, brisk, buttoned down.

  • Brilliant casting: The ensemble includes big stars old and new, with…
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WikChip Video Country Roads is a great song.