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The Amazing Spi...
Great 83 Points 2012

Imagine there’s no Spider-Man. It’s easy if you try.
No web below us, above us only sky.

Imagine Spider-Man as if Toby Maguire never wore the suit and James Franco were still a sensitive nobody. Seen thusly, The Amazing Spider-Man is a great movie, notwithstanding a treacly story that…

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WikChip Image Girlfriend of the Century: Emma's Gwen
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The Avengers
Really Great 83 Points 2012

The Avengers do more than avenge. They dominate – the box office and Disney’s financial performance.

More personally, they fulfill the hopes of fanboys everywhere, including older generations who don’t even know they are fanboys. Ever love a Marvel comic? Prepare to be fulfilled, fanboy….

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WikChip Image Super irony in a superpowered suit
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The Hunger Games
Great 83 Points 2012

An important but hardly perfect movie, The Hunger Games is however great enough to justify the fuss. The monster box office generated by this first installment of Suzanne Collins’ bestselling trilogy of YA novels is helping The Hunger Games and heroine Katniss Eberdeen become primary cultura…

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WikChip Image A new Screen Goddess: Healthy•Huntres...
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Act of Valor
Great 83 Points 2012

Think of Act of Valor as real US Naval Special Warfare come to cineplexes, not as a normal war movie. Thus the valor is certain, the acting not so much.

Directed by a couple of former stuntmen and starring a bunch of active duty SEALs, it is earnest in the extreme and often wooden in its no…

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WikChip Video Real bullets make this a unique movie
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
The Bourne Legacy
Good 83 Points 2012

The first Bourne-less Bourne sequel felt more like a slog than a thrilling chase. Then its climax felt like a pause, which it is … for the next episode. So after more than two hours of frenetic activity, it wasn’t clear the movie was actually over. Some legacy.

Let’s stipulate that most r…

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WikChip Image Norton: Soulless jerk, yes. Gravitas,...
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  • BrianSez – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Machine Gun Pre...
Very Good 83 Points 2011

Two movies in one – the demented story of a badass junkie and the inspiring story of an avenging angel. Both are about the same guy, Sam Childers, an American biker who has saved and continues to save hundreds of otherwise doomed Sudanese kids. As a kickass movie about a real guy trying to stop…

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WikChip Image Boy finds his man. Man finds his call...
3 Replies
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Life of Pi
Very Good 83 Points 2012

Portraying religious faith amidst tragic hardship is a lot of weight for a mainstream movie to carry. Fortunately Life of Pi features visual wonders and frequent grace notes to lighten the load, resulting in an exhausting if moving cinematic experience.

The movie is taken from the celebrate…

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WikChip Image Boy, Tiger, Whale: Wondrous
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Star Trek Into ...
Really Great 83 Points 2013
Best. Star Trek. Ever.

Some may grade it Perfect, understandably so. Me, I grade Star Trek Into Darkness a tick above its Great predecessor – Really Great and the best Star Trek ever.

If J.J. Abrams sees fit to include the perfect Star Trek theme music before the closing credits of h…

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WikChip Image Spock in the volcano
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The Lone Ranger
Good 83 Points 2013

The Lone Ranger is Tonto’s movie. Good thing, since Tonto is played by Johnny Depp. Everybody knows this, just as everybody knows Johnny Depp is mighty white. Ironically, only in P.C. Hollywood would it be politically acceptable for a white guy to play an iconic Indian character in a 21st ce…

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WikChip Image Depp's look from a White painter, per...
Really Great 83 Points 2013

Thor Heyerdal and Kon-Tiki have been the coolest sounding names for well over half a century now. They certainly made an impression on me as a kid, when Heyerdal was already a longstanding legend. It didn’t hurt that his name was Thor – not uncommon for Nordics, yet still bold. He wore it well…

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WikChip Video Shark!! Stunning VFX throughout the ...
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...