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John Wick: Chap...
None Yet 0 Points 2017
The LEGO Batman...
Really Great 66 Points 2017

Super smart, super funny, super current, super classic and super cutting, The LEGO Batman Movie is a super sequel to The Lego Movie, that perfect piece of pop pizazz. Lego B is also the funniest Batman movie ever. Hell, it may be the best Bat movie ever, given its carte blanche to satire th…

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WikChip Video Yo B-Money. What's up my billionaire ...
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  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Perfect 83 Points 2017

I prefer a comedy after a bad day. Logan ain’t no comedy, but it sure as hell was balm for a bad day. More Johnny Cash than Johnny Storm, it’s the first Country comik movie, yet returns to true X-Men in the end.

Marvel, wow. Keep on keeping on with one riveting, arousing blockbuster after an…

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WikChip Video Johnny Cash's "Hurt" only on the trailer
Kong: Skull Island
Very Good 83 Points 2017

Kong has no dong. It’d be too dangerous, which is why Legendary Pictures won’t go there, even with a post-modern blonde playing the strong woman who has a moment or two with him. Hey, how do we even know Kong is male? No dong, no proof. Beautiful Brie Larson may have had an I kissed a girl expe…

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WikChip Video Land of the Giants
Ghost in the Shell
Good 17 Points 2017

Scarlett Johansson in a compelling cyborg story. Not as inspiring as say, Robocop, but Scarlett sure makes for a cute robot, and they have set things up nicely for a sequel. Let’s see where this goes.

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The Fate of the...
Really Great 17 Points 2017

I thought I’d be tired of the Furious franchise, but nope, another awesome thrill ride! Looking for details? Forget it, just enjoy the action and enjoy the massive amounts of testosterone generated machismo by the modern muscle-bound greats.

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Guardians of th...
Great 83 Points 2017

Vol. 2 is a great time at the mall multiplex, if not the nearly perfect blockbuster experience that Vol. 1 was. Faint praise perhaps, but then this first sequel has nearly impossible shoes to fill, as the origin movie was so effortless in its joyous affectations. Still, a great blockbuster like t…

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WikChip Video Kurt Russell & Friend
The Mummy
OK 17 Points 2017

Such a drop-dead easy movie to make. After all, since the 50’s, mummy movies have been a successful stable. Who knew that Russell Crowe and Tom Cruise could take it to such a low. The scorned-woman who makes a deal with the devil was just too far afield for me, and in the end, the film seemed l…

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Barely OK 17 Points 2017

The Rock Ok in this barely Ok installment of the Bay Watch franchise. I warmed up to the raunchy humor, which almost got me over the unconvincing attempt to portray lifeguards as crime investigators. Loved the cameos from David Hasselhoff and Pamela Anderson. Not so sure the new crew can make a …

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Transformers: T...
OK 17 Points 2017

Meh, other than some awesome car cyber action and an interesting take on history by Anthony Hopkins

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