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The Dark Knight...
Really Great 92 Points 2012

The finale of the Dark Knight trilogy rises to the occasion, delivering a compelling and consummately produced big screen experience. Famously long at almost three hours, it does indeed fly by, the rich story and characters well harnessed to Christopher Nolan’s masterful direction, the closure c…

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WikChip Image 1st rate villain = 1st rate action movie
8 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • BrianSez – I just saw this yesterday as well. Review forthcomin...
  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":
  • MJ5K – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Really Great 83 Points 2011

Where did Drive come from? Under-titled and under-promoted, it seems to have sprang from nowhere. Pity, because it’s an extremely invigorating thriller. It also burnishes Ryan Gosling’s growing legend while establishing Nicolas Winding Refn as a major Hollywood director. Wow.

Few action …

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WikChip Image Hammer in hand, Gosling looks for a n...
Lonesome Dove
Really Great 17 Points 1989

This epic TV miniseries follows ex Texas Rangers (Robert Duvall, Tommy Lee Jones) as they steal horses in Mexico then get involved in a cattle drive to Montana in the 1880’s. A little Kitschy at times, but endearing to watch the pair banter back and forth and perform their manly cowboy roles. …

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1 Reply
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Really Great 66 Points 2009

Gobs of fun for kids and adults, this high octane spoof features lifelike animation seamlessly blended with live action, mucho LOL, a clever story and hip-kid music. Plus the 3D works splendidly, as fresh an experience as color must have seemed to B&W audiences back in the day.

The story abou…

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WikChip Image One hot chiquita -- human or rodent.
2 Replies
  • Demona – this was a great movie.. I just saw it recently.. I ...
  • Wick – Yep, I took my family to see it and we all loved it.
Donnie Darko
Really Great 48 Points 2001

So much to love about Jake Gyllenhaal’s Donnie Darko: The sarcasm and irreverence involved in telling Donnie’s schizophrenic story is darkly funny, the macabre occurrences, inept culture, and solid 80’s soundtrack weirdly glue things together to weave a great movie together, but you need the sto…

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The Italian Job
Really Great 1 Points 2003

This is definitely a great Heist movie that was done so cleverly and brilliant. The acting the action, it was done very well.

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Rescue Dawn
Really Great 29 Points 2006

Christian Bale stars in a “McGuyver meets Stalag 13” film about a US Figher pilot shot down in Laos during the Vietnam war. Filled with plenty of action and a fairly deep study of character and strength you will find yourself engrossed in all the phases from capture, comraderie, and escape.

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  • BrianSez – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
American Gangster
Really Great 123 Points 2007

Denzel and Crowe at the top of their games, combined with a compelling (if familiar), interesting and assured story make this an almost perfect gangster movie, just shy of the Godfathers and Goodfellas….

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Donnie Brasco
Really Great 83 Points 1997

A must-see for Mafia movie aficionados, Donnie Brasco serves a potent brew of stellar acting, led by Al Pacino and Johnny Depp in a surrogate paternal relationship. The fact that it’s “based on a true story” makes it societally important.

Donnie Brasco (great name, that) misses perfection…

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WikChip Image Depp & Pacino as wiseguys. Fergeddabo...
The Debt
Really Great 83 Points 2011

A mashup of Israel’s bravura capture of Adolph Eichmann and the moral confusion of Munich, The Debt pays off almost completely, missing perfection by ceding reality. Well that and because the Mossad agents’ reluctance to kill the fictional Surgeon of Birkenau annoys as much as it galvanizes….

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WikChip Image The two visages of Rachel Singer.
1 Reply
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...