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OK 83 Points 2018

Aquaman is a whole lotta waterlogged cheese, almost 2½ hours worth. It’s not a bad movie and certainly an OK time at the movies, but is kinda turgid, as DC movies so often are. Fortunately, the cast saves the day, starting with Jason Momoa, who makes a compelling superhero, if not an especial…

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WikChip Video Easter Eggs for those who want more
Aquaman and the...
None Yet 0 Points 2023
Good 76 Points 1998

Big bangs, high testosterone dialog, semi-witty asides in the face of calamitous situations, Armageddon includes the classic BBB elements. While not the best Bruckheimer-Bay Blockbuster, Armageddon is nonetheless reliable entertainment in the style of the modern Hollywood action movie.

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2 Replies
  • Wick – Thanks Randy. OK, here's your reminder... Lookin f...
  • Randy – Nice review, Wick~ I also enjoyed this movie... I...
None Yet 0 Points 2009
Assassin's Creed
Good 17 Points 2016

Nice sci-fi enhanced action, and an entertaining attempt to infuse mysticism. Entertaining despite the fact that I never really understood the premise of the movie (or the game).

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None Yet 0 Points 1995
Assault On Prec...
None Yet 0 Points 2005
Assault on Prec...
None Yet Points 1976
Atomic Blonde
None Yet 0 Points 2017
Very Good 119 Points 2009

Transcendentally beautiful yet cravenly appalling, brilliant yet formulaic, James Cameron’s latest magnum opus induces awe and disgust in equal measure. The former comes from its stunningly realized vision of an Edenic world, the latter from the seditious anti-Americanism that animates the sto…

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WikChip Image Neytiri - Long, Hot & Blue.
16 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "Spaceghost's Review":/movie_reviews/2291-...
  • MJ5K – True. I mean, I still tell the people the same old: ...
  • Wick – I stand by my original assessment: "it’s likely to...
  • MJ5K – Man, the more I hear about Avatar, the less I like i...