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Great 25 Points 2012

There is nothing like the emotion behind a good war movie. Put that to use in a good humans vs. alien story, and you have the makings of a great summer blockbuster. Battleship is a worthy blockbuster indeed. The aliens are bad-ass, and the Navy is badder, and you’ll not often have a more fun ti…

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Red Tails
Good 83 Points 2012

The Greatest Generation embodied countless examples of valor, both personal and patriotic. The Tuskegee Airmen – as great a group of military pilots as this country ever fielded – delivered more than their fair share of each, making their story among the most significant from WWII.

*Red Tails…

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WikChip Image Lightning struck the Nazis and this pose
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Men in Black III
Great 83 Points 2012

The best MIB? Indeed. MIB3 is clever and fun, as expected, with a surprising inventiveness that MIB1 approached and MIB2 didn’t.

Now … it’s not especially LOL, chuckles and appreciative guffaws notwithstanding.

Charisma it’s got in abundance, courtesy of major moviestar turns by…

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WikChip Image Don't cha wish your girl was hot like...
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Hatfields & McCoys
Great 17 Points 2012

Kevin Costner and Bill Paxton star as Anse Hatfield and Randall McCoy in this really great and Hollywood class TV movie about the famous feud between the two families. Set in the late 1800’s after the civil war, these Kentucky and Virginia natives define early American hillbilly lore, and how t…

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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Quadrophenia - ...
Great 66 Points 2012

The complete story of Quadrophenia is essential viewing for Quadropheniacs. You know who you are.

Pete Townshend takes us on an hour-plus tour through his magnum opus, the greatest of rock operas, followed by twenty minutes of Quadrophenia concert outtakes from the decades. Felt complete to …

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WikChip Video Daltrey & Townshend talk Quad in July...
The Watch
Very Good 83 Points 2012

Really funny and occasionally inspired, often lewd and occasionally disgusting, The Watch features heavy drinkers facing off against an alien menace. Hardly humanity’s best and brightest representatives, Vince Vaughn and crew are more like our best boneheads and ballbusting nitwits.

The com…

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WikChip Image How do you make this thing work? Don'...
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Premium Rush
Great 83 Points 2012

Premium Rush deserves to be a huge hit. Aptly titled, it delivers as declared. A premium rush it is.
Smart, sexy, thrilling, powerful, fresh and original, it’s an instant classic and a first rate crowd-pleaser.

It’s also the best smartphone movie yet, even if the app-tivity mostly happens…

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WikChip Image JGL & Dania Ramirez: Hot biker couple
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Killing Them So...
Very Good 66 Points 2012

Star power in service to dark humor makes Killing Them Softly an entertaining time at the movies, and will make it seem even more entertaining as an on-demand rental soon enough.

This second movie that Brad Pitt has made with director Andrew Dominik is crisply constructed and often funny, wh…

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WikChip Image Pitt: star power in service to dark h...
Into the White
Very Good 83 Points 2012

True stories from World War II were mostly all made into movies well before 2012. Yet this one flew under the radar. Understandable perhaps for a story set far from the heart of the war, one that’s not even strategic, just a quotidian miracle from the great white North. Reindeer walk by, for g…

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WikChip Video Rupert Grint's 2nd great 2nd banana
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
End of Watch
Great 83 Points 2012

I avoided End of Watch when it came out in 2012, thinking it was just a steroidal TV Cop Show, moviestar Jake Gyllenhaal notwithstanding. Then David Ayer’s movie demanded attention, given BrianSez’s effusive review and Ayer’s recent mas…

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WikChip Video Cop Dogma in Outstanding Open Scene