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Perfect 66 Points 2019

You laughing at me!? That’s directed at society in general by Joker, the movie of the year if not the decade.

Todd Phillips has unleashed a monumental monstrosity on us, a movie that works on so many levels it requires an intellectual elevator to visit them all. Let’s peek in on a few, sha…

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WikChip Video Minutiae for Joker obsessives
Pirates of the ...
Perfect 9 Points 2003

A movie based on a ride should never be this good. The jokes shouldn’t work this well. Depp shouldn’t have been able to put forth such a solid performance. But it all worked. Every last bit of this movie just…worked. The key, I think, is that it never takes itself too seriously. This movi…

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A Bug's Life
Perfect 2 Points 1998

Another really funny, great Pixar movie.

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Toy Story 3
Perfect 92 Points 2010

Flawless. Silly, deep, wonderful and wise, TS3 pegs the perfection meter. Boing!! Purple, purple, purple. Every toy gets its due, every heart string gets plucked, every joke works. Wow, how does Pixar keep doing this? They’re the Jacksons – the Phil Jacksons – of movie making.

TS3 gi…

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WikChip Image Heroes for the Ages: All Ages & All Eras
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  • MJ5K – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/2729-toy-st...
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Partly Cloudy
Perfect 78 Points 2009

Perhaps the most lighthearted film ever, this rib tickling short delivers surprising emotional weight in its six minute running time. Initially evoking classic delivered-by-the-stork scenes from cartoons gone by, the film soon becomes a tale of dutiful loyalty in the face of inadvertent harm. …

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WikChip Image He doesn't mean to be hurtful
Toy Story
Perfect 2 Points 1995

Toy story is a film that anyone who has had a childhood, should love. We all had the idea of our Toys coming to life when we are not around. The film perfects every premise of a cgi film, it has Everything, alot of comedy, emotional scenes, Characters you actually care for and even intense action…

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WikChip Video toy story trailer.
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Toy Story 2
Perfect 2 Points 1999

Toy Story 2 is Perfect, but in my opinion, it is not as enjoyable as the first movie for nostalgic reasons, Toy story 2 gets everything right, Hillarious, Moving and A great sequel.

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WikChip Video toy story 2 trailer.
Sling Blade
Really Great 83 Points 1996

An American classic, Billy Bob Thornton’s Sling Blade rings true to small town norms and values. Most of its characters are good people, to Thornton’s credit as the movie’s writer, director and star, and son of small town Arkansas himself. The two bad ones trigger well crafted drama that feel…

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WikChip Image Masterful Acting: Walsh & Thornton
Really Great 83 Points 2012

Comic genius, thy name is Seth MacFarlane, the writer, director and voice of Ted, a wildly ill-behaved “living” teddybear. The movie’s conceit is that a grown man’s arrested development gets enabled by this magical best buddy, who has taken on nothing but bad habits since leaving chronological…

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WikChip Image Ted cops a feel. Isn't he cute?
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Super 8
Really Great 83 Points 2011

Spielbergian indeed — middle school kids running their own show, parents stricken with tragedy, lots of bike riding, police cruisers and one big honking Air Force train in one hell of a crash.

Cincinnati, we’ve got a problem.

And America’s got a really great summer blockbuster. Set in mid…

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WikChip Image The Older Sister: Amanda Michalka