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OK 17 Points 2016

My second watching of an unnecessary remake in the last few months, Ben Hur impressed far less than the Magnificent Seven. It just came across as another of those overly-long Roman era epic movies that nobody ever heard of until they showed up on Netflix playlists of B-side films.

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The Beguiled
Good 17 Points 2017

The first thing that came to my mind when watching Beguiled is that being around all that young, southern, estrogen laden drama is bound to be more dangerous to a Yankee soldier than most battlefields. I was not wrong. Unfortunately and despite the fact that the story was quite compelling, the m…

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Red Sparrow
Good 17 Points 2018

Good old fashioned US-Russia cold war espionage with an updated twist. I loved the storyline but the implementation was a bit dreary at times, despite having Jennifer Lawrence to look at the whole time.

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Cold Mountain
Great 17 Points 2003

I loved the human-interest slant on this tale of the Civil War. Jude Law’s undying love for Kidman draws him back to her despite the risk of being a deserter towards the end of the war. The story is engaging, and the cast is top notch. Zellweger is not quite believable as a hardened southern gal…

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The Amazing Spi...
OK 17 Points 2014

Meh – This could have been much better. Unlike other critics, I don’t fault the retread attempt, but the execution was pretty uninspiring. Spidey flys around and kicks-butt, and you get to learn more about his character – but the story was overly cheesy and the plot-line contrived. Enjoy the b…

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Great 17 Points 2000

I went back to see the original, and I’m glad I did. Despite having seen other ‘origins’ installments in the series, this movie is the must-see to put all the early-days together. All the great actors that you have come to love through the years are all there in rare form. No wonder they moved…

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The Man from U....
Great 17 Points 2015

Loved the 1960’s Italian Immersion that surrounded this traditional spy tale. Add to that some cool-handed dry humor and you’re good for some consistent LOLs, even if the aesthetics were a little over done. I’m predicting a sequel, and yes, I’ll go.

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Barely OK 17 Points 2017

The Rock Ok in this barely Ok installment of the Bay Watch franchise. I warmed up to the raunchy humor, which almost got me over the unconvincing attempt to portray lifeguards as crime investigators. Loved the cameos from David Hasselhoff and Pamela Anderson. Not so sure the new crew can make a …

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Suicide Squad
Good 17 Points 2016

What happens when you capture some of DC Comics wackiest villains and figure out how to hold them hostage and make them help you save the world? A super human mess. The movie is quite a mess, but that doesn’t prevent you from enjoying the action.

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Jack the Giant ...
Good 17 Points 2013

A new twist on Jack serves as the vehicle to kick in the 3D action for the family. Unlike movies like ‘Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunders’, Jack stays a little truer to its fairly-tale roots, including a love story where the humble Jack goes for the seemingly out of reach princess. Within the c…

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