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Ready Player One
Great 83 Points 2018

Ready Player One is plenty of fun, yet is leavened by SciFi seriousness. It’s also kind of a cult movie, yet worked for a newbie like me. The more pop culture you know, especially 80s pop culture, the more fun it is.

Steven Spielberg’s best SciFi in 25 years is often an extended visual tickl…

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WikChip Video Hundreds of Easter Eggs, yikes
Men in Black III
Great 83 Points 2012

The best MIB? Indeed. MIB3 is clever and fun, as expected, with a surprising inventiveness that MIB1 approached and MIB2 didn’t.

Now … it’s not especially LOL, chuckles and appreciative guffaws notwithstanding.

Charisma it’s got in abundance, courtesy of major moviestar turns by…

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WikChip Image Don't cha wish your girl was hot like...
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The Adventures ...
Great 83 Points 2011

Need a lift? I did and The Adventures of Tintin provided it. Light-hearted, highly inventive, magnificently assured, the Belgian boy wonder’s big Hollywood movie proved just the ticket. LOLs are rarely so airy.

A Tintin newbie, I had no familiarity with the comic-page hero: his investigat…

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WikChip Image "Well, this is a fine mess..."
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Really Great 83 Points 2014

Brett Ratner’s Hercules is the first great Hercules movie, or at least the first great one of the past 50 years, which is long enough to be worthy of mythical status. Dwayne Johnson cuts a fine figure as the big man, backed by a platoon of British thespians and presented amid stunning vistas a…

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WikChip Image Stunning image of the Acropolis in At...
Kingsman: The S...
Great 83 Points 2014

The same brilliant, depraved and amoral crew who brought us Kick-Ass have now delivered Kingsman: The Secret Service, another comic take on a well-trod movie topic. James Bond movies are the inspiration this time. The result is tremendously entertaining, albeit as sordid as it is sleek. And i…

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WikChip Video Samuel L. Jackson talks Evil Genius
Kingsman: The G...
Really Great 83 Points 2017

Kingsman II is a fully-realized exercise in high style, low blows, expensive tricks and lots of big laughs. You could call it a brilliant blockbuster, in the British sense of brilliant: bright, bold, brisk, buttoned down.

  • Brilliant casting: The ensemble includes big stars old and new, with…
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WikChip Video Country Roads is a great song.
The Avengers
Really Great 83 Points 2012

The Avengers do more than avenge. They dominate – the box office and Disney’s financial performance.

More personally, they fulfill the hopes of fanboys everywhere, including older generations who don’t even know they are fanboys. Ever love a Marvel comic? Prepare to be fulfilled, fanboy….

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WikChip Image Super irony in a superpowered suit
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X-Men: First Class
Great 83 Points 2011

First class prequels are Hollywood mutants, crisply intelligent rather than trite – obligatory touchstones notwithstanding. X-Men: First Class surpasses that standard, rebooting a tired saga with fresh casting, well grounded plot devices and an engaging mix of resonant themes.

Marvel achiev…

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WikChip Image Jennifer Lawrence in-n-out of body paint
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The Amazing Spi...
Great 83 Points 2012

Imagine there’s no Spider-Man. It’s easy if you try.
No web below us, above us only sky.

Imagine Spider-Man as if Toby Maguire never wore the suit and James Franco were still a sensitive nobody. Seen thusly, The Amazing Spider-Man is a great movie, notwithstanding a treacly story that…

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WikChip Image Girlfriend of the Century: Emma's Gwen
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
The Wolverine
Great 83 Points 2013

The title sucks, but the movie rocks. Rox tops sux. How does it rock? Let us count the ways.

  1. Marvel spins well-wrought yarns, with superheroes defined by their foibles as much as their powers. Wolverine has love-lost and anger issues. At some level, who doesn’t?
  2. Nice that he’s facing-o…
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WikChip Image Issues? He's got a few.
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