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Good 83 Points 2015

Goodbye to Entourage, a.k.a. Sex and the City for guys. Vinnie Chase, E, Drama, Turtle, Sloan the ultra babe – characters we’ve come to love. Then there’s Ari, who doesn’t care to be loved. Goodbye to them all.

Ironically, the promotion from small screen to big wasn’t kind to Entourage. T…

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WikChip Video UK Trailer 3
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The Lone Ranger
Good 83 Points 2013

The Lone Ranger is Tonto’s movie. Good thing, since Tonto is played by Johnny Depp. Everybody knows this, just as everybody knows Johnny Depp is mighty white. Ironically, only in P.C. Hollywood would it be politically acceptable for a white guy to play an iconic Indian character in a 21st ce…

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WikChip Image Depp's look from a White painter, per...
Batman v Superm...
Good 83 Points 2016

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is as heavy as its pretentious title suggests, with nary a great performance to elevate it. Yet this DC Comics blockbuster ably fulfills its duty of teasing nine sequels.

It opens with a replay of Batman’s boyhood origin, Superman’s having been told by DC &…

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WikChip Video It's all connected to the sequels.
Green Lantern
Good 83 Points 2011

So this is what the kerfuffle is about, a comic-book superhero whose main superpower is to create cartoons that save the day. Basically, it’s sixth-grade superhero shit, but does make for a sporadically good movie. Mostly that’s because of leading-man Ryan Reynolds, who plays it all for fun, as h…

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WikChip Video Fun & Charming
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Suicide Squad
Good 17 Points 2016

What happens when you capture some of DC Comics wackiest villains and figure out how to hold them hostage and make them help you save the world? A super human mess. The movie is quite a mess, but that doesn’t prevent you from enjoying the action.

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Minority Report
Good 66 Points 2002

Just a decade old, Minority Report hasn’t aged well. Perhaps because it’s based on a short story from the Fifties?

Some of its vaunted futuristic technologies now seem ridiculous. To wit, newspapers with live displays are delivered daily to the front lawn. Why?

Reality factor quibbling…

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WikChip Image Talking Billboards
The Secret Life...
Good 18 Points 2013

This felt like a made-for-cable travel show, except it was with a daydreaming host Adam Sandler. Although very disjoint, the imagery and surrealism of the situations keep you interested in what is coming next. That , along with surprisingly like able characters and a understated but heart felt l…

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  • Wick – Regarding "TerryEinstein's Review":http://www.viewgu...
Good 66 Points 1953

John Wayne starring in an Old West fairytale based on a Louis L’Amour story endows Hondo with loads of old fashioned panache, yet saddles it with too many cliches for enduring greatness. That’s in 2D however. Having seen it years ago in 3D, I recall it as being better but still not great.


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WikChip Video The trailer hypes Hondo a bit too much.
Jack the Giant ...
Good 17 Points 2013

A new twist on Jack serves as the vehicle to kick in the 3D action for the family. Unlike movies like ‘Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunders’, Jack stays a little truer to its fairly-tale roots, including a love story where the humble Jack goes for the seemingly out of reach princess. Within the c…

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Good 125 Points 2009

It’s a big movie with a lot on its mind: Mostly that heroes are often seriously flawed and therefore institutions are intrinsically untrustworthy. But also that five out of six superheros are men, and the token female must dress as a dominatrix – with a bad costume in the case of Watchmen’s Silk…

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WikChip Image Real Watchmen: Superpowers not Superh...
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