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The Wrestler
Really Great 95 Points 2008

An elemental movie that spills the beans about a spectacularly dishonest “sport,” The Wrestler makes few false moves, provides a showcase for Mickey Rourke’s instantly legendary performance, and proves to be an involving, affecting and punch-funny movie.

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WikChip Image The Thinker as The Wrestler
3 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":/movie_reviews/2167-th...
  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/1686-the-wr...
  • Wick – Great review AMC. I've tried to see The Wrestler tw...
The Bicycle Thief
Really Great 71 Points 1948

Reverential movie, thy name is The Bicycle Thief. Long considered one of the greatest movies of all time, it still qualifies. Real people play the parts, none more affecting than seven year-old Enzo Staiola’s Bruno.

The kid’s now my favorite boy in all of movie history.

Bruno’s Dad hock…

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WikChip Image "They don't pay for repairs!" Love t...
2 Replies
  • BigdaddyDave – Regarding "Wick's Review":
  • Wick – Regarding "BigdaddyDave's Review":/movie_reviews/305...
Birdman (or The...
Really Great 83 Points 2014

Birdman touches many cinematic erogenous zones, making it a guilty treat – a smart one – for cinephiles. Alejandro Iñárritu’s showbiz takedown is also the best theatrically-set movie since, well, maybe forever. OK, not forever, but probably since All About Eve

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WikChip Video Such a Tease
Blood Father
Really Great 66 Points 2016

An awkward title is about the only thing wrong with Blood Father, a terrific piece of pulp fiction starring a never better Mel Gibson. Bad Dad would be a better title, what with Bad Moms all over the multiplexes right now. That said, this dark…

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WikChip Video Mel knows AA meetings from real life.
The Eagle Huntress
Really Great 66 Points 2016

Mongolian men have hunted with eagles for a millennium, an amazing partnership of human and raptor. Now the eagle hunters have welcomed a female, and a mere girl of 13 at that. This crisp documentary about that eagle huntress awes and uplifts in equal measure, the latter from its cheerful female …

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WikChip Video Drones were key to making the film.
Toni Erdmann
Really Great 66 Points 2016

A professionally successful woman mystifies her foolish father in the brilliantly funny Toni Erdmann. Nominated this year for the Best Foreign Language Oscar, its comedy comes from the juxtaposition of unconditional love with highly conditional status, the former in a family, the latter in a mo…

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WikChip Video Woman on the verge of a breakdown
Ad Astra
Really Great 66 Points 2019

Brad Pitt has his own great astronaut movie now, as every one of today’s great moviestars must.1 Ad Astra is a stately space epic, albeit punctuated with an atomic blast and more than a few death-defying set pieces. Most impressively, James Gray’s instant classic reinforces our conception of …

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WikChip Video The opening shots aren't in the movie.
Run Hide Fight
Really Great 66 Points 2020

Biden voters won’t like Run Hide Fight, a movie about the Trump half of the country. Folks in Trump country eschew victimology. The left obsesses on it. We celebrate lone heroes doing what needs done.

Isabel May as Zoe Hull is a hero who does all that and more when her high school gets attac…

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WikChip Video Backstage Premiere: Run Hide Fight
Really Great 83 Points 2011

Where did Drive come from? Under-titled and under-promoted, it seems to have sprang from nowhere. Pity, because it’s an extremely invigorating thriller. It also burnishes Ryan Gosling’s growing legend while establishing Nicolas Winding Refn as a major Hollywood director. Wow.

Few action …

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WikChip Image Hammer in hand, Gosling looks for a n...
The Fighter
Really Great 88 Points 2010

New addition to the boxing movie canon? Absolutely, complete with elemental title, elemental story and devastating performances. A female power story as much as a male one, Melissa Leo, Christian Bale and Mark Walhberg’s maternal-fraternal triangle pegs the meter for codependency. When Amy Ada…

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WikChip Image All in the (dysfunctional) Family