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High School Mus...
None Yet 0 Points 2008
Assassination o...
None Yet 0 Points 2008
None Yet 0 Points 2008
College Road Trip
None Yet 0 Points 2008
The House Bunny
Pretty Bad 12 Points 2008

There is a line within Tropic Thunder where Robert Downy Jr’s character makes a very astute observation regarding movies – “You never go full retard.” This is a great piece of advice that apparently no one has ever told Anna Faris. In this movie Faris plays a Playboy Bunny who (through the devi…

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WikChip Video the whole movie is this bad
2 Replies
  • tomelce – And that's the thing- you don't need this movie to k...
  • Wick – Regarding "tomelce's Review":/movie_reviews/2100-the...
Charlie Bartlett
Very Good 33 Points 2007

Kicked out of private school, Charlie works his charm (after a few bumps) at public school — eventually helping everyone discover the wonders of psychiatry… and drugs. This morphs in to a very funny parody of both high school shenanegans as well as the psycho-medical community — all with a r…

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Really Great 158 Points 2007

Fresh, funny, snarky, and quick as a whip, Juno is bound to become a cult classic, funnier the more times you watch it. Along with Superbad and Knocked Up, Juno defines a new era in youth comedies: movies that …

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Really Great 108 Points 2007

Superbad is still super funny, super filthy and super telling. That last is somewhat inadvertent, but the movie is more than just a lens into the fetid minds of unsupervised boys. The porn-powered self-absorption it observes among millennials dates it as Origin of the Snowflakes. "Just how I …

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WikChip Video Super Funny Script
High School Mus...
None Yet 0 Points 2007
The Great Debaters
Great 104 Points 2007

Anti-denigration: The Great Debaters teaches us the root of ‘denigration’ and much more, especially how Wiley College’s debate team rose up to defend their rightful position as heirs to American greatness.

Every history lesson should be this entertaining: Denzel Washington sees to that, dire…

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