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Perfect 73 Points 1942

The best movie ever is still fresh, funny, romantic and captivating after all these decades. Try it as a date movie, perfect for him and for her. After all, “we’ll always have Paris.”

Casablanca remains important because it transcendently dealt with life-and-death political challenges, nam…

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The Magnificent...
None Yet 0 Points 1942
Jane Eyre
Very Good 5 Points 1944

This classic adaptation of Jane Erye to me was a bit more darker than the one with William Hurt. Orson Wells is such a power house figure and takes command of the screen so that he makes the meanest Rochester I had ever seen. Though this is not my fav. version of Jane Erye I do like it.

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To Have and Hav...
None Yet 0 Points 1944
None Yet 0 Points 1945
The Lost Weekend
None Yet 0 Points 1945
The Best Years ...
Really Great 17 Points 1946

One of the earliest of films to focus on the re-adjustment of servicemen to civilian lives – Best Years gives it two us from 3 angles: Disenchanted well-to-do banker; Working stiff who can’t hold down his job or his marriage; and a poor guy who lost both his hands and mired in self doubt. Th…

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It's a Wonderfu...
None Yet 0 Points 1946
The Killers
None Yet 0 Points 1946
Gentleman's Agr...
None Yet 0 Points 1947