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Shrek 2
None Yet 0 Points 2004
None Yet 0 Points 2005

worst movie I have ever… I was just wishing that Orlando Bloom’s character would have tried to kill me instead of having to stay in the theater with friends for the time of the movie

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The Wedding Date
None Yet 0 Points 2005
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Napoleon Dynamite
Awful 4 Points 2004

i’ll probably get linched for saying this but it dont get it! everyone was telling me i had to see this and i’ve sat through it twice now and never even threatened to smile or even laugh. The dancing sequence is quality but not enough to make up for 90 minutes of not ‘off-beat’ but ‘no-beat’ ’com…

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Rabbit Hole
None Yet 0 Points 2011
None Yet Points 2004
Incident at Loc...
None Yet Points 2004
Take Me Home To...
None Yet 0 Points 2011
The Reaping
None Yet 0 Points 2007
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Shrek the Third
None Yet 0 Points 2007
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  • MJ5K – Regarding "Randy's Review":/movie_reviews/461-shrek-...