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Rock Star
None Yet 0 Points 2001
Classic Albums:...
Good 66 Points 1999

Who’s Next fans – and who’s not – will be delighted by this 50 minute documentary. More celebratory than insightful, it also suffers from a few omissions. However it’s all good when Pete Townshend, Roger Daltrey and John Entwistle marvel at how their benchmark album came into existence. Long…

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WikChip Image Genius at work with his synthesizer
Being John Malk...
Great 95 Points 1999

Being John Malkovich is more about being Charlie Kaufman than it is about being John Malkovich. The first movie written by Kaufman is also the first directed by Spike Jonze. Those three proceed to use Malkovich’s public persona as a portal into our fascination with fame – in weirdly entertain…

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WikChip Image Id would like to know who's on first?
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Galaxy Quest
Great 66 Points 1999

J. J. Abrams famously called Galaxy Quest “one of the best Star Trek movies ever made.” That from the man who so successfully rebooted the Star Trek franchise. His endorsement oversimplifies this brilliantly entertaining movie howeve…

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WikChip Video Galaxy Quest - faux show
Man on the Moon
Really Great 9 Points 1999

Andy Kaufman was no comedian. Andy was a “song-and-dance man”. Some people loved him. Some people loathed him. No matter how you felt about Andy’s avant garde style, there’s no denying one thing: The man was a genius. Whether it was his Latka character on Taxi, his singing of Mighty Mouse on Satu…

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The Truman Show
Great 83 Points 1998

Reality TV has become ever more pervasive since The Truman Show wowed everyone in 1998. Fortunately, none have made an unwitting dupe the star of the show for the first thirty years of his life. Notwithstanding that such a thing would be impossible, it got explored in Peter Weir’s great film of…

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WikChip Video Retrieved from the cutting room floor
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Shakespeare in ...
Really Great 66 Points 1998

Delicious fun this Elizabethan confection, a Shakespearean extravaganza just this side of full Disnefication.

Superior cast, especially Joseph Fiennes & Gwyneth Paltrow as Romeo & Juliet, er, Will & Viola.
Which Will? Will Shakespeare, sometime actor, full-time rake and pageman for hire.

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WikChip Image The Bard – As You Like It, er, Him
Get Shorty
Really Great 66 Points 1995

Is there a more enjoyable Elmore Leonard movie or charismatic John Travolta movie than Get Shorty? So what if it’s a trifle, a light crime-comedy. It’s a movie about the love of movies, which it celebrates with sleek Hollywood panache, rich Elmore Leonard flair and charming details. In short, *…

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WikChip Video Chili Palmer gets lost in Touch of Evil
None Yet 0 Points 1994
The Commitments
Very Good 73 Points 1991

The Commitments retains its charm some 25 years after it premiered, even as Ireland and the music world have changed dramatically in the intervening quarter-century. That charm stems from a can’t-miss combination of sweet soul music, quirky characters coming together in a band, and some real se…

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WikChip Video Irish take on sweet soul music