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All About Eve
Perfect 66 Points 1950

All About Eve is surely one of the greatest Best Pictures most people have never seen. It won six Oscars: Best Picture, Best Screenplay & Best Director to the extraordinary Joseph L. Mankiewicz, Best Costume Design to Charles Le Maire & Edith Head the Costume Doctor, Best Supporting Actor to Ge…

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WikChip Video A Bumpy Night at a Glamorous Party
Dark City
None Yet 0 Points 1950
The African Queen
Really Great 66 Points 1951

Grownup romances don’t get better than this, with Bogie and the Great Kate as middle-aged fogies surmounting countless obstacles on their way to love and glory. Long celebrated as one of the all-time greats, The African Queen is less well known than Casablanca_…

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WikChip Image Two adults seizing the day: Bogie & Kate
A Streetcar Nam...
None Yet 0 Points 1951
A Place in the Sun
None Yet 0 Points 1951
Captain Horatio...
None Yet 0 Points 1951
Flying Leathern...
None Yet 0 Points 1951
The House on Te...
OK 66 Points 1951

The House on Telegraph Hill is a triumph of art direction. That’s good. It’s also unintentionally campy. That’s bad. The result is a just OK movie, yet one that belongs in the San Francisco Cinema Hall of Fame.

The views are marvelous. And the views are the thing with San Francisco real…

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WikChip Image Grt Views, Lrg House, fake Telegraph ...
The Quiet Man
None Yet 0 Points 1952
High Noon
Great 66 Points 1952

Gary Cooper walking alone down a dusty Western street to confront a gang of killers is as iconic as Hollywood gets, making High Noon an archetype even more than a legend. That’s quite a weight.

Fortunately the movie itself is engaging, suspenseful and tight. A mere 85 minutes, it runs in ne…

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WikChip Video High Noon (Do Not Forsake Me, Oh My D...