
loading Title loading Tws summary ▲ loading Trust loading Year Viewable
Johnny Guitar
None Yet 0 Points 1954
None Yet 0 Points 1967
The Wild Bunch
None Yet 0 Points 1969
Dances with Wolves
None Yet 0 Points 1990
Hang 'Em High
None Yet 0 Points 1968
None Yet 0 Points 1966
For a Few Dolla...
None Yet 0 Points 1965
Frank & Jesse
Bad 66 Points 1994

Not even movie-of-the-week quality, this lame Western is miscast, trite, and just plain phony. As a Western fan, I figured it would be worth a watch. Nope.

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The Assassinati...
Bad 66 Points 2007

Think the title is long? Consider yourself warned: this boring movie never seems to end, meandering for nearly 2½ hours. Plus it commits the deadly sin of assuming that the viewer is familiar with the particulars of Jesse James’ early legend, without which the poorly told story has no narrative…

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The Quick and t...
Pretty Bad 66 Points 1995

First rate casting and production values can’t save this stinker from its ridiculous story. The movie is about throwing your life away for an absurd contest. Funny how life mirrors art for the unfortunates who star in it. Hackman, Crowe, DiCaprio, Stone, Sinese … what a waste of talent. In …

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