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None Yet 0 Points 2019
Jojo Rabbit
Really Great 66 Points 2019

The Hitler Youth get a satirical stake through the heart in the wonderfully wacky Jojo Rabbit. Taika Waititi – he of Thor: Ragnarok – wrote the screenplay, directs the movie and even stars as a wacky Hitler, well a Hitler as the imagi…

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WikChip Video Taika Waititi cracks wise.
Richard Jewell
Really Great 66 Points 2019

The FBI’s reputation takes a big blow in Richard Jewell, making Clint Eastwood’s movie about 1996 timely in 2019. Last week’s Justice Department IG report crushed any belief that the upper echelon of the FBI is the least bit trustworthy. That came years after the FBI didn’t pay attention "when …

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WikChip Video Mike Wallace interviews Jewell 6 year...
The King
None Yet 0 Points 2019
First Cow
None Yet 0 Points 2019
Mr. Jones
Perfect 66 Points 2019

Gareth the Great defenestrates two cultural institutions in one fell swoop: communism and the NY Times. Plus, it’s mostly true. Wait, what? This superb movie isn’t titled Gareth the Great? It’s about Gareth Jones, arguably the greatest journalist of the 20th century, and therefore of all t…

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WikChip Video Several key lines in 2 minutes
Black Panther
Great 83 Points 2018

Black Panther joins Wonder Woman as the second cultural-phenomena superhero blockbuster in half a year, each a terrific specimen of the superhero genre, yet transcending it in social impact. Females saw themselves anew in Gal Gadot; The African diaspora gains a new and fantastic folklore in *…

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WikChip Video Very Strong Cast
Ready Player One
Great 83 Points 2018

Ready Player One is plenty of fun, yet is leavened by SciFi seriousness. It’s also kind of a cult movie, yet worked for a newbie like me. The more pop culture you know, especially 80s pop culture, the more fun it is.

Steven Spielberg’s best SciFi in 25 years is often an extended visual tickl…

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WikChip Video Hundreds of Easter Eggs, yikes
Avengers: Infin...
Great 83 Points 2018

Nearly two dozen major characters populate Avengers: Infinity War, a massive cast if not an infinite one. Many are major moviestars — Downey, Hemsworth, Hiddleston, Cumberbatch, Pratt, Boseman, Brolin. They can be very proud of Infinity War. It’s formulaic, but so were the great symphonies. T…

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WikChip Video The Russo Brothers explain a scene.
A Quiet Place
Really Great 83 Points 2018

A Quiet Place is a primo horror movie for non-horror fans, such as John Krasinski & Emily Blunt. He wrote, directed and starred in this 90-minute masterpiece. She “only” stars in it, meaning he directed his real-life wife in the movie’s cruel crucible of silence. Interesting choice for a couple…

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WikChip Video Watch after seeing A Quiet Place