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Deepwater Horizon
Great 17 Points 2016

I wonder if BP’s stock took another hit when this movie was released – just like it did during the disaster. Peter Berg lays the foundation of the money-hungry corporation vs. the hardworking Texas oilmen. Wahlberg and Russell play their roughneck roles very well. Russel is the grisled leader an…

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The Birth of a ...
Very Good 83 Points 2016

Why don’t slaves revolt? In the South two centuries ago, in the Warsaw ghetto during the Holocaust or even in Asia now? The Birth of a Nation helps answer that complicated question. Unfortunately the movie itself is complicated. Its creators apparently raped a woman while college students in 19…

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WikChip Image Nate Parker's movie: engaging & affec...
Good 83 Points 2016

Masterminds starts off rock-and-roll, but soon becomes dumb-and-dumber, only not so funny or charming. Loosely “based on a true story”, it oscillates between parody and homage, albeit more the former given its deep SNL roots. Unfortunately, TV-quality sketch comedy bits don’t a great movie make…

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WikChip Video Comedy Great: Kate McKinnon
Hacksaw Ridge
Great 83 Points 2016

Okinawa was once a byword for the savagery of war. Hacksaw Ridge plumbs the depths of that savagery and the grace that also attended it in the form of Medal of Honor recipient Desmond Doss. A conscientious objector, Doss was unsurpassed in bravery, personally rescuing 75 wounded men from the "t…

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WikChip Video Vince Vaughn talks war movie
The Eagle Huntress
Really Great 66 Points 2016

Mongolian men have hunted with eagles for a millennium, an amazing partnership of human and raptor. Now the eagle hunters have welcomed a female, and a mere girl of 13 at that. This crisp documentary about that eagle huntress awes and uplifts in equal measure, the latter from its cheerful female …

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WikChip Video Drones were key to making the film.
Great 17 Points 2016

An extraordinary story about the assassination of SS General Reinhard Heydrich – the butcher of Prague. This famous chapter in history has plenty of drama, suspense , and a shocking account of the Nazi treatment of both the innocent and the complicit. The resistance from the Czech and Slovaks …

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Very Good 17 Points 2016

Natalie Portman kills it as Jackie Kennedy. Who knows how accurate the post JFK death portrayal is, but her portrayal of Jackie’s poise, controlled speech, and control is a sight to behold. The vision of Camelot was all Jackie’s, and when the rug was pulled out from under her anyone but her wou…

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Patriots Day
Really Great 83 Points 2016

Patriots Day gets up close and personal with the Boston Marathon bombing and its aftermath. By turns moving, enraging, loving and occasionally funny, it’s an unflinching look at lone wolf terrorism and how one American city fought back against Islamism in their midst. Two previously unseen aspe…

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WikChip Video The Battle of Watertown
The Founder
Great 83 Points 2016

The Founder is about the creation of McDonalds, if not necessarily about the founders of McDonalds. Those would be the McDonald brothers, not Ray Kroc, the salesman who turned their creation into a world-changing commercial juggernaut. Michael Keaton dominates this movie, just as Kroc did the M…

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WikChip Video Backstory of The Founder
Hidden Figures
Great 83 Points 2016

Behind every successful man is a strong woman, three in the case of John Glenn and the Mercury Seven astronauts — strong black women in fact, smart too, very smart. Hidden Figures smartly tells their tale, a can’t-miss concoction of civil rights, space race and romantic drama. Lots of star powe…

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WikChip Video Great Women. Great Americans. Great M...