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A Perfect Getaway
Great 76 Points 2009

Kick-ass and funny, clever and surprising, this adventure thriller delivers plenty of twists, turns and vistas. For audiences who like to be teased and challenged, this is old school. Hitchcock – the Master of Suspense himself – would have been proud.

A Perfect Getaway suffers a bit from t…

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WikChip Image Everyone's on the lookout for killers.
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Vicky Cristina ...
Very Good 95 Points 2008

More droll drama than pure comedy, VCB is nonetheless plenty amusing, even generating a couple of low-key LOL moments, like a racy Prairie Home Companion for the urbane.

Though sleek and understated, this remains a classic Woody Allen film, full of high-toned people cavorting in Architectu…

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WikChip Image Casa Batllo in Barcelona, designed by...
The Burning Plain
Great 83 Points 2008

A woman on the edge propels the oh-so-smart drama in this almost too clever movie. The story turns back in on itself time and again, not fully revealing its convergence till the end. An ultimately satisfying twist does come, though not before we’re asked to hang in through lots of puzzlingly se…

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WikChip Image OK, not from the movie, but Jennifer!!
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Sunshine Cleaning
Very Good 83 Points 2008

A quality date movie for grownups, Sunshine Cleaning shares more than just an ironically radiant title with 2006’s Little Miss Sunshine. Both are about overcoming failed dreams, not to mention both feature Alan Arkin as a kooky grandfather. While this year’s model doesn’t reach the inspired…

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Great 66 Points 2008

Ben Kingsley gets in much deeper than planned after seducing a much younger Penélope Cruz in Elegy. Isabel Coixet’s movie comes by its sexual fixations via pedigree: Phillip Roth’s novel The Dying Animal. Think of it as Portnoy’s Complaint, the When I’m 64 rendition – "Will you still nee…

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WikChip Video Ben Kingsley seduces Penélope Cruz
Across the Univ...
Great 91 Points 2007

Who’da thunk the best Beatles movie wouldn’t star the Beatles? OK, not the best Beatles movie, but as great a Beatles movie as one could hope for not starring the Beatles, which is pretty damn great. Really.

Across the Universe is arguably the best movie about the Sixties, unarguably set t…

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WikChip Video Sapphic "I Wanna Hold Your Hand"
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Feast of Love
Very Good 87 Points 2007

Fifteen years after Sleepless in Seattle, Feast of Love offers Pairing in Portland, a cinematic soap opera full of smiles, bits of sadness and wisdom, and attractive couples in love. While lite, it is entertaining.

Emotional Scores

  • You’ll laugh – 3.5 beams
  • You’ll cry – 3 beams
  • Yo…
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Little Children
Really Great 83 Points 2006

Post-feminist Bovary: Closely observed, brilliantly crafted tale of suburban angst, full of knowing looks, requited lust, and post-modern self-awareness.

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WikChip Video Crisply Constructed Trailer
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My Super Ex-Gir...
OK 66 Points 2006

Promising concept, great star, disappointing execution: My Super Ex-Girlfriend is one of those movies where the trailer captures all the worthwhile moments. Pity, since Uma Thurman is incandescent as ever and the trailer was freshly funny when it first appeared.

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WikChip Video Everything worth seeing is in the tra...
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  • Demona – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/2276-my-sup...
The Lives of Ot...
Perfect 68 Points 2006

The Stasi employed 100,000 East Germans, who maintained a network of 200,000 informants, in a country of 16 million people. So roughly 1% of the population controlled the other 99%. Ring any bells America? 1

The Lives of Others, a Stasi romantic drama, was the first perfect movie about t…

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WikChip Video "Do you think we imprison people on a...
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  • Wick – Regarding "galinatwpg's Review":http://www.viewguide...