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The Foreigner
None Yet 0 Points 2017
Good 17 Points 2017

A decent action/conspiracy film features Gerard Butler as a “Climate MacGyver” who not only is an eco-fixer, but does a respectable job at putting bad guys in their place. Ignore the subtle leftist positions, and the movie is enjoyable.

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Justice League
Very Good 83 Points 2017

Justice League isn’t a bad movie, contrary to the professional critics. While hardly a great movie, it is very good and a step above Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, its main forbear. At least, it’s very good fo…

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WikChip Video Aficionado's Delight
Jumanji: Welcom...
OK 17 Points 2017

Fun w Jack Black and the Rock, fairly interesting story, some LOL moments, cute but mostly meh

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Star Wars: The ...
Great 83 Points 2017

The Last Jedi has lots to love and more than a bit to disdain. I found myself un-aggrieved, and loved it. Notwithstanding its blasters and disasters, Rian Johnson’s first Star Wars movie is deeply human and personal, in true Star Wars fashion. “Why did you come?” asks Luke Skywalker in one te…

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WikChip Video Serious Star Wars Misgivings
Good 17 Points 2017

It was hard for me at first to re-set my internal imagery of what kind of movies that Orcs, Elves, and Fairies should be in. It certainly wasn’t a Will Smith LA cop story. Once I got past that hump, it was pretty entertaining seeing special magical powers and fantasy creatures employed in what o…

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King Arthur: Le...
Good 17 Points 2017

After an overly mystical fantasy beginning, the movie actually became fun to watch while Charlie Hunnam rocked the sword.

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Perfect 66 Points 2017

Okja [Oak-ja] grabs your heart and doesn’t let go. It’s a perfect movie from shoulder to shank, as pure an experience of cinematic magic as the best of Spielberg. But Spielberg it ain’t. Bong it is — Bong Joon Ho.

The brilliant Korean auteur made Okja in 2017, four years after "Snowpiercer…

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WikChip Video Watch this after the movie.
God of War
Great 66 Points 2017

The Chinese vs. the Japanese in the 16th century makes for a great martial-arts war movie, full of Shaolin vs. samurai, kung fu vs. karate. This Chinese production tells the tale from the Chinese POV, with Japanese pirates raiding peaceful Han Chinese villages and engaging in war crimes as part o…

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WikChip Video Serious Business
Black Panther
Great 83 Points 2018

Black Panther joins Wonder Woman as the second cultural-phenomena superhero blockbuster in half a year, each a terrific specimen of the superhero genre, yet transcending it in social impact. Females saw themselves anew in Gal Gadot; The African diaspora gains a new and fantastic folklore in *…

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WikChip Video Very Strong Cast