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Really Great 66 Points 2003

A superbly crafted film about a sympathetic sociopath, Monster deserves to be appreciated for much more than Charlize Theron’s Oscar-winning performance as serial killer Aileen Wuornos. For instance, it deftly shows a seamy side of American society, the confounding and sometimes tragic forces …

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WikChip Image Fully Committed: Theron's Wuornos all In
The 9th Company
Good 17 Points 2005

In the US, not much is understood about the Soviet war in Afghanistan. This movie follows new recruits as they are thrust in to the bloody, dirty mess. It seems they picked the craziest mo-fo’s for Afghanistan though — at least that’s the impression you get watching. The fighting starts out …

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Lord Of War
Very Good 83 Points 2005

Letting Cage Be Cage: tight writing, fine casting, clever and well executed cinematic shooting and cutting. Deviously clever topicality.

This movie is – if nothing else – a meditation on war at its most despicably awful. Lord of War depicts wars that are not "the continuation of politics by …

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The Lives of Ot...
Perfect 68 Points 2006

The Stasi employed 100,000 East Germans, who maintained a network of 200,000 informants, in a country of 16 million people. So roughly 1% of the population controlled the other 99%. Ring any bells America? 1

The Lives of Others, a Stasi romantic drama, was the first perfect movie about t…

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WikChip Video "Do you think we imprison people on a...
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  • Wick – Regarding "galinatwpg's Review":http://www.viewguide...
Charlie Wilson'...
Perfect 106 Points 2007

Charlie Wilson’s War is great American comedy, successful on many levels: belly-laugh funny, serious as a crutch, magnificently produced, charismatically performed. How could it not be? A feel good story about an oh-so-likable Texas Congressman taking it to the Evil Empire when no one else wo…

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WikChip Video The Real Socialite behind Charlie Wilson
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  • BigdaddyDave – Regarding "BigdaddyDave's Review":http://www.viewgui...
  • Wick – Regarding "BigdaddyDave's Review":http://www.viewgui...
  • jws_64 – I'm glad you agreed with me. I have come across som...
  • Wick – I'm with you about Julia Roberts, and love your obse...
The Kite Runner
Perfect 116 Points 2007

Devastatingly good story, achingly well performed, The Kite Runner – a must see movie and among the best of a very good year – illuminates one of the most important cultures of our time. Not light fare, though wonderfully joyous in stretches, The Kite Runner serves as the perfect set-up for "Char…

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WikChip Image Junior Sultans of Kabul
Flash of Genius
Very Good 83 Points 2008

Flash of Genius is an involving and interesting, albeit frustrating, biopic of a guy who succeeds at invention, fails at business and craters at life. It’s well recommended for those interested in cars and/or entrepreneurs, and for fans of Greg Kinnear.

Being a successful inventor wasn’t en…

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WikChip Image Kearns through a windshield doggedly
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":/movie_reviews/1688-fl...
Very Good 66 Points 2008

We Americans are blessedly unfamiliar with the “most violent prisoner in Britain,” a nut called Charles Bronson. I’d of happily gone on that way had Tom Hardy not become an actor whose riveting performances demand that his every great role be viewed. And his feral performance as Charles Bronson…

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WikChip Image One more bystander hurt by Bronson
Waltz with Bashir
Perfect 66 Points 2008

The hell of war gets chronicled as never before in this stylistic and thematic breakthrough of a movie. Animated though vividly realistic, this grunt’s-eye view of war and its post-traumatic aftermath stands as a postmodern masterpiece, taking its place alongside fictional accounts like "Apocaly…

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WikChip Video Golden Globe acceptance by Ari Folman
Really Great 93 Points 2009

Terrific coming of age romantic-comedy, mildly raunchy and plenty knowing. Not tremendously LOL though studded with laughs, many from killer funny throwaway lines. Plus it’s a well crafted, well developed story about a set of characters who become more interesting as the movie progresses.


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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":/movie_reviews/2790-ad...