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Great 83 Points 2014

Interstellar is stellar: long yet engaging, showy yet substantial. Most of all it’s conceptually creative and consummately mounted, the former because of its theoretical physics underpinnings and deep humanity, the latter because of Christopher Nolan’s visual derring-do and Mathew McConaughey’s…

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WikChip Image Daddy-Daughter Issues: They've got a ...
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The Naked Gun
Great 66 Points 1988

Still LOL funny after all these years, The Naked Gun’s inspired lunacy retains its comedic potency.

Leslie Nielsen’s obtuse police detective played off a rogue’s gallery of evil archetypes, from the Ayatollah and other 1988 Axis of Evil bastards, to a local crime lord, earning legendary stat…

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WikChip Video Taking down an Axis of Evil
Kingsman: The S...
Great 83 Points 2014

The same brilliant, depraved and amoral crew who brought us Kick-Ass have now delivered Kingsman: The Secret Service, another comic take on a well-trod movie topic. James Bond movies are the inspiration this time. The result is tremendously entertaining, albeit as sordid as it is sleek. And i…

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WikChip Video Samuel L. Jackson talks Evil Genius
Run All Night
Great 83 Points 2015

Run see Run All Night if Liam Neeson bonding, then brawling with Ed Harris sounds like your cup of tea. It sounded like mine, and was. The two venerable actors certainly don’t disappoint in their manly duet.

Formulaic in the extreme, RAN still has lots to like, starting with a great cast t…

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WikChip Image Genesis Rodriguez stuns at the premiere
Mad Max: Fury Road
Great 83 Points 2015

George Miller reboots Mad Max for a new generation with Fury Road. Tom Hardy ably replaces Mel Gibson, while Charlize Theron shepherds five wives through hell, adding a woman’s touch to what remains an absurdly masculine movie. The result is an exhilarating – albeit ridiculous – entertainment…

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WikChip Image Heavy-metal guitarist / hood ornament
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
In the Heart of...
Great 83 Points 2015

Ron Howard takes on Moby Dick, starring Chris Hemsworth, in the poorly titled but highly accomplished In the Heart of the Sea. It plays like a 19th century Jaws, albeit with a giant Sperm Whale seeking vengeance on puny humans instead of a Great White Shark. It also challenges 21st century sens…

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WikChip Video Whales were considered sea monsters
Great 83 Points 2015

Mike Webster was a hero of mine, at a time when heroes were very, very influential in a young man’s life. Iron Mike Webster snapped the ball to Terry Bradshaw in four Super Bowls, all of which the Steelers won – my Steelers. He famously wore short-sleeves and no arm-pads to not get grabbed by def…

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WikChip Video ABC News covers Concussion
13 Hours: The S...
Great 83 Points 2016

The 2012 Islamist militia attack on the two U.S. outposts in Benghazi Libya comes alive as a colossal and utterly predictable central-government failure in 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi. Truth!

The amazing thing is that only four men died, even if one was Ambassador Chris Stevens…

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WikChip Video Gold Star Parents react to 13 Hours
Great 83 Points 2016

Deadpool is the superhero for a new generation, one that casually talks about a guy having a great ass. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It is – however – a new thing, with Deadpool now being a big thing.

Ryan Reynolds is ideal to play Mr. Pool, a wisecracking stud who describe…

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WikChip Video Girls, watch this first.
London Has Fallen
Great 83 Points 2016

London Has Fallen is a distinct improvement over Olympus Has Fallen, making it a 1st-rate action movie. The sequel improves the original by having a plausible villain, albeit amidst an equally implausible story. Throw in several well-earned laughs – amid the carnage – and you’ve got a helluva…

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WikChip Video How They Made It