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This Is Where I...
Good 17 Points 2014

Family dysfunction is great fodder for a comedy. The trick is to get the right cast to create the quirky chemistry and generate the laughs. Jason Bateman delivers his tried-and-true semi-straight-man schtick and cohorts Tina Fey, Jane Fonda, and Adam Driver make the LOLs happen. Good stuff.

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The Jungle Book
Great 17 Points 2016

Now that my kids are grown, I don’t see many Disney movies, never mind re-makes of classics. In this case, I’m glad I decided to heed my whimsical choice. The Jungle Book was really well done, and John Favreau’s use of famous actors’ voices was spectacular. My favorite? Christopher Walkin as Kin…

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A Hologram for ...
Very Good 17 Points 2016

Hanks is the dude in another very good drama – this time about self-discovery in an exotic location. Besides the great character study, there is a steady undercurrent of smile-on-your-face humor as Hanks pairs up with Alexander Black for some sarcasm about the nomadic Kingdom. Throw in a little…

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OK 17 Points 2016

My second watching of an unnecessary remake in the last few months, Ben Hur impressed far less than the Magnificent Seven. It just came across as another of those overly-long Roman era epic movies that nobody ever heard of until they showed up on Netflix playlists of B-side films.

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The Beguiled
Good 17 Points 2017

The first thing that came to my mind when watching Beguiled is that being around all that young, southern, estrogen laden drama is bound to be more dangerous to a Yankee soldier than most battlefields. I was not wrong. Unfortunately and despite the fact that the story was quite compelling, the m…

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Red Sparrow
Good 17 Points 2018

Good old fashioned US-Russia cold war espionage with an updated twist. I loved the storyline but the implementation was a bit dreary at times, despite having Jennifer Lawrence to look at the whole time.

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Cold Mountain
Great 17 Points 2003

I loved the human-interest slant on this tale of the Civil War. Jude Law’s undying love for Kidman draws him back to her despite the risk of being a deserter towards the end of the war. The story is engaging, and the cast is top notch. Zellweger is not quite believable as a hardened southern gal…

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The Lord of the...
Perfect 16 Points 2003

Since I’ve almost ran out of films to review, I decided “Since I’m currently making videos on my top 20 favorite films on Youtube, why not disicuss my all time favorite film on Wik Pik?” And thats exactly what I’m doing, I’m giving praise to my number 1 favorite film of all time. The Lord of the …

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Apocalypse Now
Perfect 11 Points 1979

A fantastic film cataloguing insanity, war and imperialism, Apocalypse Now is a sprawling, magnificent film that masterfully builds up dread and tension through its adaptation of Conrad’s Heart of Darkness.

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The Graduate
Great 9 Points 1967

The Graduate, unlike most of the films trumpeted through the ages, is one that lived up to the promise and surpassed it; this quirky and altogether morose comedy/drama is certainly a film that succeeds in aiming to eviscerate adult expectations of young people as well as give the young the idea o…

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