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April Fool's Day
None Yet 0 Points 1986
Army Of Darkness
None Yet 0 Points 1993
As Above, So Below
None Yet 0 Points 2014
None Yet Points 1999
À l'intèrieur
None Yet 0 Points 2007
None Yet 0 Points 2008
Very Good 66 Points 1988

Lesser Tim Burton and greater Michael Keaton add up to a fitfully funny fantasy. Keaton nails the title role, a ghost-for-hire paid to chase off pesky humans. If only he were onscreen for more of the movie.

Burton achieved greater comic-horror results with Edward Scissorhands

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WikChip Image Somebody get this man a microphone.
Behind the Mask...
Very Good 16 Points 2005

Taylor (Goethals) is a journalist who has managed to get serial killer, Leslie Vernon (Baesel) to agree to a documentary showing his process of killing. With her film crew, Taylor starts interviewing Leslie about what he does. The condition of allowing her access to him is that Taylor is not alou…

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Bird Box
Very Good 17 Points 2018

Sandra Bullock keeps the drama and tension high in this sci thriller. I’m not sure why all the bad press; I was very entertained

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Black Christmas
Very Good 8 Points 2006

imagine living in a sorority house, and every year for christmas you and your sisters leave a christmas gift for the boy who once lived there. the same boy who killed his family and got sent away after the incident. This year, though, the girls got something extra…Billy came home for Christmas….

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