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Thor: Ragnarok
Perfect 83 Points 2017

Marvel puts it all together for one of their very best movies yet in Thor: Ragnarok, an absolutely terrific blockbuster, and a damn funny one at that. Crayon colored, heavenly inspired, charismatically performed, deeply rooted yet easily accessible, it would be great even it weren’t a sophistic…

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WikChip Video Cool Minutiae. Beware spoiler at the ...
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  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":
  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Perfect 83 Points 2017

I prefer a comedy after a bad day. Logan ain’t no comedy, but it sure as hell was balm for a bad day. More Johnny Cash than Johnny Storm, it’s the first Country comik movie, yet returns to true X-Men in the end.

Marvel, wow. Keep on keeping on with one riveting, arousing blockbuster after an…

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WikChip Video Johnny Cash's "Hurt" only on the trailer
Kong: Skull Island
Very Good 83 Points 2017

Kong has no dong. It’d be too dangerous, which is why Legendary Pictures won’t go there, even with a post-modern blonde playing the strong woman who has a moment or two with him. Hey, how do we even know Kong is male? No dong, no proof. Beautiful Brie Larson may have had an I kissed a girl expe…

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WikChip Video Land of the Giants
Beauty and the ...
None Yet 0 Points 2017
The Mummy
OK 17 Points 2017

Such a drop-dead easy movie to make. After all, since the 50’s, mummy movies have been a successful stable. Who knew that Russell Crowe and Tom Cruise could take it to such a low. The scorned-woman who makes a deal with the devil was just too far afield for me, and in the end, the film seemed l…

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Pirates of the ...
OK 17 Points 2017

Retread Pirates of the Caribbean fare. See it for the fun action and retread humor, not for sophistication or originality.

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Justice League
Very Good 83 Points 2017

Justice League isn’t a bad movie, contrary to the professional critics. While hardly a great movie, it is very good and a step above Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, its main forbear. At least, it’s very good fo…

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WikChip Video Aficionado's Delight
The Shape of Water
Great 17 Points 2017

Guillermo del Toro struts his story-telling prowess by weaving an implausibly-intriguing love story between a humanoid amphibian and a quirky and homely maid. It’s the implausibility that makes this movie so impressive. One is completely drawn in by the story and the characters, and the fact th…

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Star Wars: The ...
Great 83 Points 2017

The Last Jedi has lots to love and more than a bit to disdain. I found myself un-aggrieved, and loved it. Notwithstanding its blasters and disasters, Rian Johnson’s first Star Wars movie is deeply human and personal, in true Star Wars fashion. “Why did you come?” asks Luke Skywalker in one te…

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WikChip Video Serious Star Wars Misgivings
Good 17 Points 2017

It was hard for me at first to re-set my internal imagery of what kind of movies that Orcs, Elves, and Fairies should be in. It certainly wasn’t a Will Smith LA cop story. Once I got past that hump, it was pretty entertaining seeing special magical powers and fantasy creatures employed in what o…

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