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The Zombie Diaries
None Yet 0 Points 2006
Zombie Wars
None Yet 0 Points 2006
Very Good 12 Points 2005

A stereotypical action-packed treasure hunt in the Sahara desert (think “The Mummy” without the Mummy) that ends up running a second storyline inside the first (not separate).

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Shaun of the Dead
Perfect 53 Points 2004

Excellant comedy, pretty good romace drama, good but not great zombie film. Endlessly rewatchable, I didn’t even get the best joke til my thrid viewing.

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  • MJ5K – Thnx, JP. Yeah, I love this movie. Its easily in my ...
Dawn Of The Dead
Really Great 21 Points 2004

The best of the recent group of Hollywood remakes, this is a genuinely good genuinely scarey horror film.

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The Mummy Returns
Barely OK 66 Points 2001

Oh, wait. This was a movie? Seemed more an FX ride with dialogue. I’m all for silly summer blockbusters, FX heavy and logic lite. But this one is so over-the-top that it’s distancing. Boredom follows quickly. And that’s deadly, no matter how magical the spells it seeks to cast.

The movie …

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WikChip Image Defanging what used to be terrifying.
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  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
The Mummy: The ...
None Yet 0 Points 2001
The Mummy
None Yet 0 Points 1999
Tale of the Mummy
None Yet 0 Points 1998
Interview with ...
Great 66 Points 1994

Looking for a real vampire movie? Baroque, bloody, bawdy, not to mention strict with the rules, Interview with the Vampire fits the bill. Indeed, Anne Rice’s celebrated novel led to a quintessential vampire movie: star powered, obsessively detailed and expansively imagined. Even mature movie…

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WikChip Video Feast Your Fangs, er... Eyes on This