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Run Granny Run
Perfect 12 Points 2007

Absolutely wonderful. Doris Haddock is simply amazing. This documentary shows exactly what more Americans should be like ….. too bad more people don’t view our country and its politics the way this 93-year-old woman does. “Oh dear, Tim, I forgot my teeth. We need to go back.”

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Who Killed the ...
Perfect 24 Points 2006

Really well done documentary about the birth and death of the electric car. Done in a “Who Done It?” fashion, this movie is actually quite scary in an “Are you serious?” type way. (I just used two quotation-sayings in the same sentence lol). Definitely watch it.

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Debbie Does Dal...
Perfect 1 Points 2005
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Death at a Funeral
Perfect 13 Points 2007

Absolutely brilliant! I love this movie. My girlfriend and I watched it last night, and I wish that everyone could have seen the reactions this movie brought out in us because they do it much more justice than my words can or will. We laughed, had sharp intakes of breath, “Oh no!” moments … …

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Full Metal Alch...
Perfect 6 Points 2003

When I rate this movie, I come to it as someone who has seen the entire 51 episode FullMetal Alchemist anime series. This is sort of a ‘finisher’ to the series and I recommend you don’t watch it until you’ve seen all of the anime!!!!!!! That being said. From a series steeped in religion, po…

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Lars and the Re...
Perfect 112 Points 2007

Wonderful movie: LOL funny yet deeply serious. Lars – the manchild played with perfect pitch by Ryan Gosling – has one of the most entertaining breakdowns in cinematic history. His need to cavort around town with an inanimate woman provides the grist for an involving psychiatric adventure, whil…

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WikChip Image Bianca comes to dinner: hilarious & t...
1 Reply
  • jasonhurwitz – Just watched this movie -- AWESOME. Expect a review ...
Iron Man
Perfect 136 Points 2008

Iron Man – a super knight for our ironic age – succeeds wildly because we relate to the oh-so-human hero while laughing at his non-stop comic patter. Marvel mastermind Stan Lee, stylish director Jon Favreau and witty star Robert Downey Jr. deserve hosannas for delivering such a smart and enterta…

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WikChip Image Behold, Iron Man
3 Replies
  • cinemaman – IRON MAN great movie cant wait till the sequal come...
  • Wick – The great Iron Man reviews keep on coming. Now Snow...
  • Wick – Thanks AMC. I was lucky enough to see it at the <a ...
Kung Fu Panda
Perfect 1 Points 2008
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The Dark Knight
Perfect 173 Points 2008

Wickedly funny, morally complex, tremendously engaging: Comik movies get no better. Worthy of its monumental hype, The Dark Knight far exceeds its immediate predecessor Batman Begins and arguably outshines the original Batman….

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WikChip Image Greatest Swansong in Hollywood History
11 Replies
  • MJ5K – Ah, how could I forget. There were just too many goo...
  • Wick – Agreed. Let's not forget _Iron Man_, also from 2008.
  • MJ5K – I gotta say, Wick, as far as movies go, I'd say 2008...
  • Demona – Totally, on the flipping truck part.. I saw the behi...
Stomp the Yard
Perfect 1 Points 2007

Stomp the Yard is one of those movies that gets your heart beating faster. Seeing the dance moves in this makes anyone wish they could dance like that. The story line is good, but it’s the high energy dancing that keeps you wanting to watch. Excellent movie.

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