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Yes Man
OK 66 Points 2008

Genial? Yes. Less than funny? Yes. Proof that Jim Carrey comedies are no longer sure-fire laughers? Yes again.

While Liar Liar was no masterpiece, this positive echo of that funny movie misses the mark. Yes, that’s the truth.

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  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/1781-yes-ma...
Yes, Dear
None Yet 0 Points 2000
Yeshou xingjing
None Yet 0 Points 1998
None Yet 0 Points 2002
Great 66 Points 2019

Yesterday is the best high-concept movie in recent memory. What if the entire world never knew of the Beatles? No Hey Jude, no Sgt. Peppers, no Revolution, no Fab Four. John, Paul, George & Ringo, just lads.

Except one guy never forgot, a failed singer-songwriter who only needed one gr…

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WikChip Video The only singer who knows the Beatles
Yesterday, Toda...
Great 66 Points 1963

Triple helpings of Sophia Loren & Marcello Mastroianni make Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow a triplo trattare of sexy Italian comedy. 1963’s Best Foreign Language Oscar-winner is a primo classico movie.

It’s like watching three 40-minute TV episodes performed by all-time great moviestars – a…

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WikChip Video Sophia turns Marcello into a puppy dog.
Yeti: Curse of ...
None Yet 0 Points 2008
Yeu woo bi
None Yet 0 Points 2006
Yeui-eomneun ge...
None Yet 0 Points 2006
Yeux bandès, Les
None Yet 0 Points 2008