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London Has Fallen
Great 83 Points 2016

London Has Fallen is a distinct improvement over Olympus Has Fallen, making it a 1st-rate action movie. The sequel improves the original by having a plausible villain, albeit amidst an equally implausible story. Throw in several well-earned laughs – amid the carnage – and you’ve got a helluva…

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WikChip Video How They Made It
Agents of S.H.I...
Great 66 Points 2013

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is a splendid TV series, based on the first two episodes. Just as the iPod was the “most Apple” thing ever according to Steve Jobs, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is the most Marvel thing ever, utilizing Marvel’s super-powered storytelling virtues without featuring anyone with, …

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WikChip Image What, us worry?
Out of Sight
Really Great 66 Points 1998
Out of Sight and into the pantheon of crime-comedies – start with Stephen Soderburgh directing George Clooney in an Elmore Leonard story. Speaking of gorgeous, J-Lo gets into the trunk with G-Cloo.

Other positives: Bright bluesy opening; Danny DeVito’s Jersey Films producing; Clooney, youn…

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WikChip Image Trunk Spooning: Meet Cute Classic
Patriots Day
Really Great 83 Points 2016

Patriots Day gets up close and personal with the Boston Marathon bombing and its aftermath. By turns moving, enraging, loving and occasionally funny, it’s an unflinching look at lone wolf terrorism and how one American city fought back against Islamism in their midst. Two previously unseen aspe…

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WikChip Video The Battle of Watertown
Richard Jewell
Really Great 66 Points 2019

The FBI’s reputation takes a big blow in Richard Jewell, making Clint Eastwood’s movie about 1996 timely in 2019. Last week’s Justice Department IG report crushed any belief that the upper echelon of the FBI is the least bit trustworthy. That came years after the FBI didn’t pay attention "when …

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WikChip Video Mike Wallace interviews Jewell 6 year...
Jackie Brown
Really Great 66 Points 1997

Lesser Tarantino but accomplished Tarantino still, Jackie Brown sports a full house of his filmic qualities. Half a dozen stars unspool a cockamamie but coherent story over 2½ hours, complete with bad guys taking each other out, sudden ends and funny surprises. Then there’s the down and dirty…

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WikChip Image Now that's a cast!
Black Widow
Really Great 66 Points 1987

Genre movies get no better than Black Widow, a noirish crime drama that delivers just what its title promises. A stunning woman seduces rich men to marry her, kills them, absconds with their fortunes and finds her next mark. You hardly want her caught, especially if you’re a guy and she’s not…

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WikChip Image Black Widow in Bridal Mode
The Infiltrator
Really Great 66 Points 2016

Coke culture from its Eighties heyday comes alive in The Infiltrator, a biopic that profiles the Medellin Cartel’s apparent money launderer. This guy lived la vida loca in all its money grubbing, slimy glory.

Bryan Cranston is nails as real-life U.S. Customs agent Robert Mazur, who went de…

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WikChip Video Cranston talks Infiltrator with Colbert
Wind River
Really Great 83 Points 2017

Wind River, the best American crime movie in recent memory, is as American as it could possibly be. Native-American at its core, cowboy on its face, Wind River transcends its stunningly assured procedural tropes to create a haunting tale of Western life in 2017, on the res and off, for India…

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WikChip Video Taylor Sheridan & stars talk Wind River
The Silence Of ...
Perfect 44 Points 1991

Silence of the Lambs set the standard for the psychological crime thriller. As Hanibal, Anthony Hopkins does ‘evil’ like nobody else, and if that wasn’t enough, Jodie Foster and her law enforcement brood need to find and deal with Hanibal’s sick protege. This movie deserved all of the Oscars that…

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