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Rear Window
Perfect 88 Points 1954

A lavish Hitchcock treat, full of glamour, suspense and wit. The establishing scene is a virtuoso display of filmmaking all by itself, while Grace Kelly graces – there is no other word for it – the silver screen like a goddess amongst mortals.

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What Happens in...
Good 88 Points 2008

All the LOL moments are in the trailers. Still, Ashton and Cameron are likable, hot, self-deprecatingly funny, and have more than a smidgen of chemistry together, so the movie is a bit better than OK.

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Our Idiot Brother
Very Good 88 Points 2011

Lots of pretty people delivering razor sharp comedy atop an idiotic premise makes for a very good movie. The central conceit of Our Idiot Brother – Paul Rudd’s absurdly guileless fool, a.k.a. the Idiot Brother – gets just this side of tedious however. Fortunately the whole thing is more than a…

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WikChip Image Elizabeth Banks: Uptown Gorgeous
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  • Wick – Regarding "BigdaddyDave's Review":http://www.viewgui...
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
The Kids Are Al...
Good 88 Points 2010

Amusing albeit self-absorbed, this lesbian-family-values comedy succeeds by putting humor ahead of politics, thus creating a modestly enjoyable movie for people of all persuasions. The story of teenage kids connecting with their biological father – much to the consternation of their lesbian Moms…

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WikChip Image Fatherhood brings out the best in boy...
2 Replies
  • BigdaddyDave – I agree Wick. I was debating with a friend yesterday...
  • Wick – Regarding "BigdaddyDave's Review":/movie_reviews/305...
The Fighter
Really Great 88 Points 2010

New addition to the boxing movie canon? Absolutely, complete with elemental title, elemental story and devastating performances. A female power story as much as a male one, Melissa Leo, Christian Bale and Mark Walhberg’s maternal-fraternal triangle pegs the meter for codependency. When Amy Ada…

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WikChip Image All in the (dysfunctional) Family
The Company Men
Good 88 Points 2011

Woe is me – what I felt watching The Company Men, perhaps because that’s how its characters felt. Notwithstanding its glorification of self-pity, the movie tells a surprisingly good story, touching on many familiar elements of our current woeful economy.

People living beyond their means, in…

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WikChip Image Formerly fatuous: Costner & Affleck
2 Replies
  • BrianSez – Yes - definitely worth seeing!
  • Wick – Solid recommendation. Added it to my Gotta View List.
Win Win
Really Great 88 Points 2011

Win Win has become such a cliche, yet is anything but in the entirely winning movie of that title. Cleverly mining today’s uneven economy, the uneasy equality of modern marriages, the unjust world of neglected kids, and not least, the under-appreciated sport of high school wrestling, Win Win

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WikChip Video Who says meaningful auteur cinema is ...
The Wind That S...
OK 88 Points 2006

A story of brothers ripped apart by revolution should be better than the formulaic The Wind That Shakes the Barley. Cloaked in the emerald charm of Ireland, yet curiously unengaging, it’s more socialist screed about the Irish republican revolution than ripping good yarn.

The Irish revolutio…

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WikChip Image Brothers, close as can be, ripped apart
Very Good 88 Points 2012

A big Bondian miasma, dark and steely, Skyfall marks a solid chapter in the half century superspy series. Big it is – nearly two and a half hours, though it doesn’t feel overlong; complete with massive explosions and huge fights; full of big, big moviestars, including a first rate supervillain…

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WikChip Image Classic: Bond & M with DB5 in Scotland
4 Replies
  • BrianSez – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":
  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Source Code
Very Good 88 Points 2011

Source Code’s a challenging movie to like. I found myself not liking it for the first half, then kinda liking it, then really liking it, only to back off at the end to kinda really liking it. Complicated? Yep, complexity overload is part of its problem. Yet Duncan Jones’ sophomore picture r…

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WikChip Image Michelle Monaghan: Adorable Deamgirl
2 Replies
  • BigdaddyDave – Thanks Wick. I drive into the city from Northern Ind...
  • Wick – Regarding "BigdaddyDave's Review":/movie_reviews/308...