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2 Guns
OK 69 Points 2013

A merely OK movie can still be enjoyable if it’s got something outstanding about it. Primo buddies do the trick in 2 Guns. The rest of the cast and film? Less than stellar and just OK. Plus the title doesn’t help.

2 Guns is too blunt – so 2 speak.

I wanted to bump up my final summa…

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WikChip Image Perfect buddies do their thing in 2 G...
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The Grandmaster
OK 66 Points 2013

Stately to a fault, reverential to an extreme, The Grandmaster is kung fu cinema elevated to formal art. Stodginess aside, it no doubt lingers in the mind’s eye of hard core kung fu fans, let alone for the legendary Ip Man’s disciples. For the rest of us – focused on the Bruce Lee connection …

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WikChip Image Hey, isn't that little Bruce Lee?
Perfect 83 Points 2013

Gravity isn’t the point, zero-gravity is. However, its title is the only thing underwhelming about Alfonso Cuarón’s benchmark movie. Everything else in Gravity overwhelms. For instance, the vertical line of a sunrise coming around the massive planet looming below some intrepid astronauts is so …

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WikChip Video Detached. Damn!
Europa Report
Great 83 Points 2013

Whoa, we’ve got ourselves a great new SciFi gem, an instaclassic along the lines of Gravity. It’s imperfect sure, but Europa Report’s mashup of that new benchmark’s workaday realism, Prometheus’s something’s-out-there sensationalism an…

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WikChip Image Europa One flies by Jupiter
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The Hunger Game...
Really Great 83 Points 2013

The silver screen has never seen a contemporary ideal the likes of Katniss Everdeen, male or female. Jennifer Lawrence’s rise to superstardom is wrapped up in her personification of this revolutionary hero, this secular Joan of Arc for our post-modern times. J.Law channels J.Arc to become K.E…

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WikChip Image They have relationship issues.
Very Good 66 Points 2013

Tye Sheridan continues his JLaw moviestar ascent as yet another grievously put-upon Southern boy in Joe. Nicolas Cage delivers one of his best roles in years as Joe: classic Cage, peccadilloes galore, heavily armed. Textbook movie drama ensues. A wastrel man is made better by protecting an u…

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WikChip Image Portrait of Tye Sheridan as a young man
Under the Skin
Great 83 Points 2013

Scarlett Johansson has never been more alluring or revealing than in Under the Skin, her second inhuman hottie role of the year. Her gave us her voice. Under the Skin gives us her body, extraordinary face and all. Serious ScoJo fans must see it, the adventurous ones anyway. It’s a super…

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WikChip Video Some Seriously Weird SciFi Fantasy
Really Great 83 Points 2013

“God doesn’t play dice” said Einstein, but James Ward Byrkit does, entertainingly so in Coherence, one of the better low-budget SciFi movies in cinematic history. Heck, are any more more low budget than this?

I didn’t realize how geeky the whole thing was till saying the word Coherence at …

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WikChip Video Willow Glen's SciFi Thriller
Premium Rush
Great 83 Points 2012

Premium Rush deserves to be a huge hit. Aptly titled, it delivers as declared. A premium rush it is.
Smart, sexy, thrilling, powerful, fresh and original, it’s an instant classic and a first rate crowd-pleaser.

It’s also the best smartphone movie yet, even if the app-tivity mostly happens…

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WikChip Image JGL & Dania Ramirez: Hot biker couple
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Really Great 83 Points 2012

Two political movies were released this third weekend before the Obama retention election – one on heroic capitalism, the other recreating a little known cloak-and-dagger success during the Iranian Hostage Crisis, an otherwise dismal chapter in American history. The second movie – Argo – is th…

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WikChip Image Making a fake hit movie