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Twelve Monkeys
Perfect 4 Points 1995

you can watch 12 Monkeys 12 times and still draw 12 different conclusion’s of what was in Terry Gillium’s mind as he made this movie. 12 Monkeys is based after the 28 minute french film from 1962 called La Jetée. La Jetée, based around WWII were time travel is used to go back and get supply’s. …

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Independence Day
Perfect 3 Points 1996

Fictional but superb. Aliens invade earth in a destructive way, awesome.

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Alien: Resurrec...
Pretty Bad 2 Points 1997

This a very disapponting film, even as a stand-alone film. This film really should not be acknowledged as an installment of the Alien series. It just isn’t nowhere near as good as the other three installments. Aside from Sigourney Weaver, the acting is really bad. This film is a total waste of t…

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Men In Black
None Yet 0 Points 1997
Really Great 10 Points 1997

It is extremely rare these days that you find a movie of such amazing quality and depth, like Gattaca. Gattaca’s story is intriguing and realy pulls you in. It requires multiple viewings to get the best out of it, because of its incredible complexity. This movie was brought to my attention in a s…

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WikChip Image there is no gene for the human spirit
2 Replies
  • izzio – Porbably, yeah- Inception is almost unwatchable for ...
  • Wick – Regarding "izzio's Review":/movie_reviews/2995-gatta...
None Yet 0 Points 1997
Starship Troopers
None Yet 0 Points 1997

This is a true sci-fi action gem. The films seems to flow naturally and isn’t rushed like many science fiction action movies. Characters are well developed and the story is not transparent. I didn’t know what to expect the first time I watched it, I was impressed and left feeling satisfied.

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Very Good 94 Points 1998

The brilliant Darren Aronofsky got his start with Pi, a low budget thriller about a math genius who holds the key to success for two secretive groups. The movie starts off wonderfully disturbing, later depicting a severe psychotic incident that’s not so wonderful, that’s very disturbing actual…

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WikChip Video Samia Shoaib should be a star.
Lost in Space
Barely OK 17 Points 1998

With a cast like William Hurt, Mimi Rogers, and Heather Graham plus a really interesting TV series to make a good movie out of, I thought Lost in Space would be better. Instead they missed a great opportunity to upgrade the cheesy aspects of the old show and just let it disconnect with newer audi…

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Star Wars: Epis...
Great 2 Points 1999

Boxoffice hit!

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