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American Made
Very Good 83 Points 2017

The wages of sin are very good for Tom Cruise for a very long time in American Made, a fanciful recounting of one smuggler’s blues during the 1980s cocaine explosion. It’s a very satisfying movie, with a modicum of truth, a surfeit of crazed sexiness, and a satisfactory ending when the wages of…

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WikChip Video Great trailer lies from the start.
Mesrine: Killer...
Very Good 66 Points 2010

France et le Québec endured Jacques Mesrine’s spectacular 1960s and 70s criminal career, anointing him a media sensation in the process. The first half of this too-big-for-a-single-movie story gets told in Mesrine: Killer Instinct, the concluding chapters in Mesrine: Public Enemy #1:…

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WikChip Video Anti-hero: "Nobody kills me until I s...
A Futile and St...
Very Good 66 Points 2018

Consider A Futile and Stupid Gesture the theatrical companion to Drunk Stoned Brilliant Dead: The Story of the National Lampoon. Will Forte plays comedy genius Doug Kenney in Futile and Stupid Gesture, whereas archival footage of the lunatic rea…

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WikChip Video Director & cast discuss the film.
Very Good 83 Points 2018

Spike Lee found a true American tale worthy of his talents in the exploits of detective Ron Stallworth, the black officer who led a successful takedown of the KKK in late Seventies America. It’s crazy funny.

Stallworth is a true American hero, straight up, the only one unblemished in Lee’s ted…

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WikChip Image Real Ron Stallworth, American Hero
Bohemian Rhapsody
Very Good 83 Points 2018

Queen were never one of my bands. No Queen on vinyl, nor even any in my pocket. Sure, I was awed by the rangy brilliance of Bohemian Rhapsody, plus well entertained by the propulsive insouciance of Killer Queen and pop perfection of Crazy Little Thing Called Love. But the fascist commercial…

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WikChip Video Legendary Set
Thunderbolt And...
Very Good 66 Points 1974

Thunderbolt And Lightfoot still entertains nearly half a century after it premiered. The star power of Clint Eastwood and a young Jeff Bridges see to that, as does a cockamamy story about Montana bank robbers.

Mostly it’s a first-rate buddy picture, not unlikely buddies but very likely budd…

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Very Good 85 Points 1995

A lesser Scorsese crime movie, Casino can’t shake the shadow of Goodfellas, especially given the central presence of De Niro and Pesci. Still, a good Scorsese crime movie with an A-list cast ain’t chopped liver.

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Very Good 66 Points 2022

Elvis coulda been titled Baz given its near fatal dose of writer-director Baz Luhrmann’s overwrought style. Elvis Presley was no stranger to overwrought style, so the cinematic marriage works to a point. That point gets reached when Baz dwells on the overwrought story of Col. Tom Parker, notwit…

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Dark Shadows
Great 83 Points 2012

There’s lots to sink your teeth into – lots to like and chew over – in the reimagining of Dark Shadows. Camp-classic TV soap opera, it stands up to eccentric genius Tim Burton’s silver screen amplification.
Who cares that the LOLs are a bit strained.

Chortles count as laughs and *Dark Shad…

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WikChip Image Supernatural Sex: Was it good for you?
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Great 89 Points 2008

An immensely well done piece of agitprop, built around Sean Penn’s Best Actor performance and featuring Gus Van Sant’s most fully realized directing effort, this admirable biopic presents a world apart, yet right next door to the one in which most of us live and were raised.

Straights needn’t …

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WikChip Image Sean Penn displays a lightness of being.