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None Yet 0 Points 2019
Perfect 66 Points 2019

You laughing at me!? That’s directed at society in general by Joker, the movie of the year if not the decade.

Todd Phillips has unleashed a monumental monstrosity on us, a movie that works on so many levels it requires an intellectual elevator to visit them all. Let’s peek in on a few, sha…

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WikChip Video Minutiae for Joker obsessives
The Lighthouse
None Yet 0 Points 2019
Perfect 66 Points 2019

Martin Scorsese would consider Parasite cinema, brilliant cinema. The rest of the filmic world agrees, seeing as how this South Korean sensation won the Palme d’Or at Cannes this year, where it beat out Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood

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WikChip Video Joon-ho Bong gives a masterclass.
Jojo Rabbit
Really Great 66 Points 2019

The Hitler Youth get a satirical stake through the heart in the wonderfully wacky Jojo Rabbit. Taika Waititi – he of Thor: Ragnarok – wrote the screenplay, directs the movie and even stars as a wacky Hitler, well a Hitler as the imagi…

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WikChip Video Taika Waititi cracks wise.
The Current War...
None Yet 0 Points 2019
Great 66 Points 2019

Visual and historic greatness trumps the wooden acting in Midway, making it a great war movie that is an absolute must for we history buffs and patriots. The Battle of Midway was the Greatest Naval Battle Ever, won by Admiral Chester Nimitz (Woody Harrelson, stolid) & pilots like Dick Best (Ed …

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WikChip Video Useful 23 min on Greatest Naval Battle
The Irishman
Really Great 66 Points 2019

Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman is the Forest Gump of mob movies, sans any sense of sweetness of course. The Irishman has an emotional range from glum to grim, but is Gump-like in placing its protagonist in the middle of a long series of famous moments from the early sixties to the mid seventi…

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WikChip Video Circoreality 2.6x of Actual
Ford v Ferrari
Perfect 66 Points 2019

A whip-smart script about whip-smart people doing world historic things in super-cool cars going 200 MPH makes Ford v Ferrari perhaps the best sports biopic ever. Its perfect cast is led by a perfect Matt Damon.

Granted, the moviemakers had loads to work with given how iconic was the Ford GT…

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WikChip Video Cast & Director Speak
Dolemite Is My ...
None Yet 0 Points 2019